Title: Flirtation Vindication (also
motley_sisGenre: poetry,
acrostic (read down the bold letters).
Rating: PG13 Warnings: Rather creepy and raunchy.
Disclaimer: No, it's mine. All mine.
Notes: Original poetry. Written for
visual_trigger, trigger
First attempt at
iambic acrostic. Written in pentameter with the exception of the third and fourth lines in the verses; tetrameters applied on purpose. Oooh, that almost made me sound intelligent. (*g*)[_]3
(Dedicated to Stephen Fry, but don't tell him. The Ode Less Travelled is awesome.)
So you call me the Prince of Thieves, while your
Transgression far-and-wide outweighs my own.
Okay, I stole a glimpse or two,
Let raunchy thoughts latch limbs on you;
Engrossed each moment we could be alone;
Milked every opportunity to talk
You up - and still I rifle, snitch, purloin
However much I can from you:
Enrich myself; and chase, pursue
Ambitions handling nipples, tongue, and groin.
Rebuke my crimes! From guilt I do depart.
'Tis your fault anyway - you (acrostic)