May 21, 2007 08:48
Ive just had four lovely, lovely days of no work - as in, the regular stuff one does to make money.
Mo headed off to look after the Hove nephs on Thursday while their Mum jetted off to Cannes for work related (ahem) schmoozing. I'd hoped to go too (to Hove not Cannes), both to provide moral support and because I really like the Hove nephs. However, Poppy being still in semi-convalescent mode, I stayed to administer treats and snuggles. Good call.
Spent a good chunk of time in the garden. The veggie patch now has tall, blue Blauhilde, medium sized Teeny Beanie, dwarf Nomad and multi coloured broad beans. There are lots of sugar snap peas, several courgettes and six, yes six, varieties of potatoes (all potatoes left overs from others over purchasing). In the mini greenhouse, there are aubergines and yellow peppers and in the conservatory, three types of tomato. Just typing this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Spent Friday evening with Sam who was on really good form and ended up with painful sides from laughing.
Mo got back on Saturday and spent most of the rest of the day slumped on the sofa after coping with wild nephs. Yesterday we went over to Felixstowe for a walk along the beach and coffee and cake. Then we had the second play test of Malice in Wonderland - this time for its target market of 11-17 year olds. Fascinating. The girls all seemed to enjoy it. The 11-13 year old boys were great, really got into it, costumes, enthusiasm, the lot. The 14-17 year old boys were too cool for school and found it difficult to relax enough to admit they might be interested - but even they cracked for the last hour. Learnt loads about writing games for this age group - don't do it!!!
Finished 'Verdigris Deep' - absolutely loved it and confirmed what I've always felt about supermarket trollies.