May 13, 2010 20:19
These past few days I have not updated since I have been out of town looking at appartments. Well, I was looking yesterday, from Monday to now I've been kind of prepairing for it. For the most part I've been calm, I've just been on very shaky grownd. But lets go down the days of what I've been doing.
On monday I headed down to my cottage to spend the night and keep me calm. My brother was already there since he wasn't welcome at my moms place due to Crazy McCrazy being Crazy McCrazy, and being at my dad's place was just causeing complications for my father. So I spent the night there, and it was nice. Although my brother did start to get on my nerves a bit, but not so much as I wanted to kill him. Not yet.
On Tuesday I read, tryed to figure out timing for everything that was to come on Wednesday and my brother just doing nothing but sit there. I also read. I've been reading 'Moby Dick' which is pritty entertaining. Anyways, finaly I got everything planned and followed through. I was the man with the plan. I drove Mindy back to my mothers, and planned for her to pick me and my brother up at 8:30 the next day. Then it was off to my dads where I and my brother were to be staying. My dad had a talking with my brother who said to my brother stop being a good for nothing usless prick and figure out your life, to which my brother replyed 'I geuss, maybe, if I have to' which translates to 'yeah, thats not going to happen'. It was pritty alkward for me when I've been working my dardest to keep afloat as well as my dad, and here's my dad who's filling out Canadian Tire and Rohna and Home Hardware, and here's my brother, doing fudge all at the cottage.
So after that speal that my dad made........he then gave my brother the car to use for the night. Because that made sence. But anyways, it got him out of the house. And my brother knew full well that we'd be leaving at 8:30 the next morning, your geuss is as good as mine as to why he thought staying out until 4:30 in the morning was a good idea. I haven't got the foggiest idea as to why he thought it was a good idea, but he must have thought it a grand one. The fact that I couldn't sleep very well that night didn't really add to my annoyance when he came strolling in at that time. But on the bright side I did get to watch the Muse Concert on my dad's big screen television, and Glee in HD. It's kind of sad that my dad enjoys glee half as much as I do. And thats saying quite alot since I love glee.
Then Wednesday my mother, brother and myself headed down to London to look at the appartments that I had booked. We left at about 9 (this is taking into consideration our stop at Tim Hortants and Gass) and got up there about 11:30. So that was a nice drive, since my brother slept most of the way down. I'm not sure why he did.....but we got to the first place and it turned out to be just a bedroom in a basment. As much as I would have loved the was completely fernished and I'd have no where to put my couch and bed and things, and the ladie who owned the place said she'd come down from time to time to use the bathroom, watch movies and such. Not quite what I'd like.
And thus my brothers anoyance continued, once he woke up. I was on shaky ground to begin with, he just kept shaking that ground to the point where I was cracking. Same with my mom, she was starting to crack. Just no fun. The second place was practicly falling apart, so that was a pass, and I could probibly fit my bed, or my couch, but not both. And then on to the last place, which seemed the most promising, but, again, it was just too small. I could probibly fit my couch, or bed, but again, I wouldn't be able to fit both. And it didn't help that my brother was hitting on the chick, which didn't help me trying to ask questions about the place. So it was kind of a complete loss. I did learn not to bring my brother along again for this kind of thing, since he just makes things worse.
On the way home, my brother fell asleep again, and I realized that none of the places would work. I could work out some of the things, but mainly the space just wouldn't work. I wouldn't mind living in a house with a few people, so long as the house was unfernished and I knew the people coming in. But I got back, my brother and my self took my mom out for dinner and then I was dropped off at my dads to watch the hocky game. My brother stayed at my moms. I then proceeded to keep as calm as I could.
Then today I drove my brother back up to the cottage after he almost destroyed my car. He desided to put all his free weights in my car. I'm thinking 100 pounds tops, but aparintly a free weight is really a bench, bar, weights for said bar, and then free weights. And the annyoance just keeps going. But once I dropped him off I was off to Sudbury and free of him for as long as I can. And now I'm still looking for another place to live. Yay being back at the begining.
road trip,
moving out