Feb 11, 2006 12:44
Im in no mood to do my school at the moment, so Im doing this instead. Seems Karma is trying to make me snap or something, cuz every thing is just not going my way. That and its Valinties day on Tuesday, and I dispies that holoday, if you can even call it a holoday. I mean, every year as a child, I would always get 5 or six less valitine cards then everyone else, even if I had a girl friend (insurt continusse laugh at the acual though that that could happen here) I would need to take her out to dinner, buy her flowers, chocolit, stuffed animals, and take her to a movie or something like that. And I would probibly get blamed for doing something wrong, or not doing enough of something else, or over doing another. Well, perhaps thats a streach, but it wouldent be far from the truth of past valintie days. So gah, most things about love on my end have always led to something bad on my end. And people wonder why Im so sinical when it comes to love. I mean Valinines day actualy puts a prise tag on it. I dont know how people can actualy buy into it. I think the main thing I'm deading this year is whats going to happen to me mom, cuz she had a new "friend" that has already left alot of things over here that I've seen. Like a mix tape (well, CD) of mostly horible love songs, like I mean I think this guy whent out, and tryed to find the worst love songs ever created and put them all on one CD creating the a cd that is 100% evil. That and a movie, something along the lines of 'love in the city' or something like that. *pulls gun to head, pulls triger, falls on grownd twiching*
So yeah, now that I have that off my chest, I supose I could tell you what happend last night. So, like I said before my mom left and said "have fun tonight, your on your own for dinner, AGAIN", so I really didint eat anything besides a suvlockie (meat on a stick). Then I picked up Alexei and droped in on Kira. We sat and chatted for a bit, then we headed over to chapters, were we ran into Mr. Cinani. He looks a bit different, but of well. We then looked at lots of pritty books, but I couldent buy any, oh well. We then (we being alot of kira's friends and a few people I do know, like Luke, Blair, Austan, a girl I met last week that I cant remeber her name) couldent deside on a movie, so we just wondered Chapters debating movies. Alexei and I just moved slowly to the exit hopeing people would get the hint, but no one really did. So we finaly leave and get to the theiter and we still cant deside.
As we got to the theiter Alexei also told Kira what Steph and Alexei found on my computer relating to lesbian kisses. So yeah, Kira then acted as though she just found out that santa dose not exsist, and wouldent even look at me after that. Yeah, that made me feel real good. She just kept saying that Im supose to be asexual. Well thats grate, now I'm not even good enough for anyone enymore. Im not even supose to like girls now. And its not the fact of two girls kissing that I find intreagin, its the consept that of everyone on the earth, even aginst her own sexuality, she chose me. But again, we all know that that will never ever happen. I have as much chance that that will happan as anyone actualy likeing me. And we all know thats not going to happen, EVER. Thats one thing that I laugh inside when my mom trys to explain herself to me: "when you find somone that likes you" oh yeah, thats really going to happen. Then Im going to win the latery, wile in the sahara desert as its raining snow upwords, getting struck by lightning, twice, seeing big foot dancing with alians, getting sucked into another dimention, to which I return to find that Im really an identical twin to Alyson Hannigan, then getting launched to mars, finding out that the air is drinkable, and I survieve there for 20 years, then get hurted into the sun, again surviving, and get slingshot back to earth, landing on pavment, at 10 000 km/h and still surviving, getting up and walking away. I think I have a better chance at that happining, then someone actualy wanting to be with me. I mean, this is real life, not some mushy love movie or book. There isint somone out there for everyone, and even if there is, its a 1 in 6,592,039,371.
So moving on to the rest of the night: Alexei and I whent bowling, we picked up Steph and my brother (cuz I needed to get him out of the house), and did I get a thank you from Shane? No, that would mean he would be nice, and he cant have that. Then I droped my brother off, picked up a Micky D's, and then drove around for a bit with crazy fog on the rode. Kinda creepy, thats how most horror movies I've seen start off. So droped everyone off at their homes, and then I whent to bed, cuz I was falling asleep. And now here I am, I geuss I sould finish that poli sci project and my english project. Once there done I can wollow more in self pitty! Yay wollowing in self pitty! *dose the wollowing in self pitty dance* (at least Im spending Valintines at my cottage isolated from everone else! woot!)
wollowing in self pitty