Feb 06, 2006 09:14
Welcome back everyone! It has ben a bit of time has it not? But oh well, not much really to tell everyone. Thursday I woke up late for class which I had a test for, whent to work, and yeah...not much else. Friday was much more exsiting. So lets see, what happend on Friday, cuz we all know our lives are just so interesting we must re-live them by recording, documenting and then rereading our most interesting lives. There is one think I have nodiced as I was looking through Iconds the other day: Most people in Live Journal are inlove with Harry Potter. I'd say that maybe 20% of all Live Jounral Users has a Harry Potter icon in collection of pitchers. But at the same token, there are alot of Gothic chicks, and we all know I love the gothic chicks (but not the creepy ones, their, well creepy) or emos, although I know a few really nice and grate emos. But their in Englind, and dont really count. GOGO EMO RANGERS! So yeah, back to my most interesting Friday which we are all dieing to hear about.
Got up a smige late, but my class was only 15 minouts long, so I was done my day at 8:30. Then I finished most of my homework, and picked up Alexei and headed on over to Jax. Twass a very good meal. Then, since alexei no longer had any money, we headed over to ze bank in the Bayfeild mall. We then whent to Sunrise were I got an 11' Corpse Bride figer. It is uber pritty! Now I know you will probibly not remeber that I and him made a bet that I would not spend any money after I got the Corpse Bride. Well, it was the corpse bride, so: LOOP HOLE! WOOT! Then we froliced over to Big Johns for both of us havent been in it since the big ownership thing.
Me: "So I had this really weird dream were I was at a second prom, and everyone could go, not just grade 12's, and my brother was there and he was wairing a Dr. Who sute and..."
*punches Alexeis arm*
Alexei: "Ow, what the hell?"
Me: "Punch Buggy ^.^"
So Big Johns is quite different. Its white, and organized, and yeah. Although it is easer to find stuff, but its missing the je ne say pa that only Big Johns could offer. And I found so meny very pritty CD's and Albums, but alass, I must wait till August to purchus such goods. So on the drive home I through 'Hey, I want to play risk' So I voiced my opinoin to Alexei and he said "indeed, let us pick up Steph and have ourselfs a good game of risk!" So off to Stephs we zoomed.
We got to Stephs, thinking we'd catch her off gard, but she was ready to go. Alexei and I were then the one's catch off gard, but she said we sould go to Kiras. We said it was a splended idea to get Kira to play said game, but Steph was refering to the party Kira was having that both Alexei and I though was on Saterday. Aparintly not, so we were fashinitly late.
We then watched lock sock and two smoking barrles, and a bit of weding crashers, when I took Luke to get sized up for a costume for a play he's in. Wile in Topano (were he was getting sized) his older brother came in, and I couldent help but humming "co-operation, co-opo-co-oporation!" But I didint hum it lowd enough for him to hear. Then we got back, and watched he rest of weding crashers. Then random hangging out was in comence. Then pizza came, and eating of said pizza came to be. Jokes were passes, storys were shaird, and ocquord moments of silence were hurd. Then we migrated back down stairs, and started playing risk, I left for a few minouts, and without my eligant pressints there, the game crumbled and no one wonted to play it anymore. So we venchered of to a coffee house cuz were cool, I geuss?
So I drove Kira, Steph and Alexei, but we got kinda lost and ended up were the A-Channal bilbord is, and we found a sign saying "No Trespasing, No Humping." Now I reasinize the sign origanaly said dumping, and somone scrued up the D to make it look like an H. Then we whent to the coffee house, and when we walked in, I though everyone was sitting closer to the doors, so when I got in, I made a big overdramaic jump-entrence with jazy hands and fashil expreshinons to the first big table with a group of kids. Turns out, that wasint the people we were with and I just confused a hold bunch of teenagers. Then we took the rest of the people to see the "no Trespasing, No Humping" Sign, were a Mr. Police offiser was. Then we kinda drove for a bit wondering what to do. We stoped and pondered possibilitys. I just suggested we go to my house cuz there was no one homeand my house needed companie. The house we were parked infrunt of had the people inside quite confused on what we were doing, cuz the guy inside kepted looking out. I could just hear the guy inside saying "no good hudlems".
So back to my house we whent, but Austen was following me, and the first side to the yes album came on the radio, so I took a senic root. I dont think Austen injoyed it as much as I did. So he left with Max, or Mat or Justen, what ever his name is, and the rest of us tryed to figer out what we wanted to do. I suggested Bolderdash, but I couldent find it. I found a really old vershin in my crawlspace. We played one rowend, then I had to drive peoples home. But since my car can only hold 5 people, Alexei and Steph stayed back at my house. After I droped most peoples out Kira and I took another seenic root back to her house. Then back to my house I did go. I was folling asleep on the way back, so when I got back Kira and Alexei were on my computer, and they were grinning saying "Michael, what is this websight!?!" All it is, is females kissing, so yeah, very riska I know. Well, thats as close to pron I'll ever get on perpuse.
So yeah, that was my Friday. Saterday was mostly just me working and relaxing, and same for yesterday. Although yesterday was the superbowl, and I saw the prevuew for V for Vendeta. I did squeel, oh it looks s'amasing! Although I do realize there are way too meny noir futueristic movies coming/came out. Like Aonflucks, Altravilet, V for Vendeta (although that dose look really good), and Im sure more are coming out just like them. Oh, also on sunday I cleaned up my room a bit. My shelf abuve my book shelf, I made room for my action figeres and my new corpse bride figering. So, happy for that, she does look pwritty.