What a week

Aug 22, 2009 22:23

Wow, that was a long week. I don't think I've done that much in one week in a long time. So I left you guys off Tuesday afternoon. Just before I was off to see the 3D film 'prehistoric monsters of the deep' in 3D.

It was really good, it was done by Natural Geographic, so there really wasn't much of a story line film, more of a informitive film. Although, had this been a disney film, or some other kind of film like that, I think this could be a really REALLY good film, instead of just an enjoyable film. It basicly follows the life of this prehistoric dolphin type creater, and the kind of critters it would run into (or swim into). It had this really interesting sub plot of the archiologists who found the bones of the creatures this dolphin like thing was swimming into. I kinda liked that whole concept of following the life of this dolphin through the bones of others left behind. Even though it's not a 'full length film' I'm still going to rate it, and rate it as a 6/10. It was enjoyable, and the 3D was amasing, but I'll probibly not see it again, which is saying something considering Peter Gabriel did the music.

So after the film I just dropped my mother back at her hotel and whent back to my apartment and crashed for the evening. The next day I drove my mom back to Barrie. On the way down, we stopped off at my mothers caben. It's really beautiful there, but way too small for anything interesting. If Myron is there, I will not be. That is pritty simple. In my opinion, they need to strip it all down and start from scratch on the building they have there. The river is nice, and the serounding woods are beautiful, but I get all of that already at the cottage. The only real difference is the size. So then we drove to the real cottage, and it hit me just how awesome my cottage is. We picked up my brother. who was staying a few nights there in his 'in between living at the getto rez in Barrie' and 'Living across the street to school in London.'  Then they dropped me off at my dads place were I showered and awaited the adventure of the night.

Since I was in Barrie, and Jennifer had the evening off, and so did the Erins, we desided to all get together for a night of awesome fun time. We desided on the usual dinner/movie/chapters plan, since you really cant go wrong with that plan. So first, after we all met at Jennifer's place, we agreed on a movie. And by agreed, I mean they picked the movie and I whent along with it. They picked....of all movies 'The time travilers wife'. I'll reviewit when I get to it. So first after desiding on a film, we had to deside on food. But first to chapters! Like always, we simply could not walk out empty handed. Jennifer got 'The Three Muskiteers' and the big Myths and Legends of King Arther and the Knights of the Round Table. Erin, from what I could see, got '1984' and a handful of other books. I got 'The Book of lost things'. I'll get to it once I finish 'Hunted' by Chuck Palahniuk' which I'm reading now.

I geuss this would be a good time to put in that I read and finished 'Neverwhere' by Niel Gaiman, brigning my book count to 23. I enjoyed this book more than Anasi Boys, which is saying something since I did enjoy Anasi Boys. True, both still don't compare to 'Amarican Gods', but I'll probibly reread Neverwhere. Lik all of Niel's books, it was the combination of the Charaters and story that really captured my love for the book. Either was brilliant and would be brilliant on their own, but with the combination of them, this is what will make me reread the book.

So then, after chapters, we headed over to Bosten Pizza for dinner, and then to the time travilers wife. Now......this film......it was interesting. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it through and through, but I did enjoy some parts. And those parts belonged to Rachel McAdams. It was a good film when she was there. But Eric Banna really REALLY needs to learn to act. I know he can, I've seen him do it before. But his preformance was less than believable in this role, and he just felt flaught. The concept was neet, and I did like alot of the time travil things that went on. Although, I think it would have been a lot more interesting if it was done cronologicaly from both perspectives, thus giving alot more 'ou, how does that happen?' or 'what was going on there' to reviel a major plot thing going on in the film.  But since it's major point was the love story, they kinda had to stick to what was shown. I'll give it a 5/10. Enjoyable...not great, not terrible. It wasn't torcture to see, and at points, it was rewarding, but just enough to brake even for the lame parts.

And that's it for Wednesday. On  Thursday, I accompanied my father on a road trip around to different random places. Mostly Scarbourow and such. After which I came back to my dad's house and gathered Alexei and Stephanie together to see the movie 'District 9'. Before this, I just reminded Ann about Ashley coming down from Sudbury to stay with us for a few days next week. This was news to her....and aparintly, also to my father. So aparintly there was not enough space for comphort with so little time to prepair. So, because it was a group effort my dad desided the best corse of action was to put her up in a hotel, which he will pay for. I loves my dad. He's awesome.

So, since there was such a storm onThusday, Alexei cut his practis short and came over early to dry off and to try and make it for the earlyer show. Unfortunetly, when he was dry, and got new dry cloths from his house , and we picked up Stephanie, and got down to the theater, we were 10 minutes late. So we disided to go to the later show. Before that, and after buying our tickets, we got Alexei some of his much needed crack, and then went mini-putting. It was turning out to be an expensive week. After mini putting (and desiding that the last hole really needed a bear in the cage....or at thevery least an alian bear) we were off to see Disrict 9.

What a film. I love the fact they gave so little away in the trailers, so it really felt like I was walking into the theater with a fresh mind onto what was about to happen. And it was amasing. It seems with so much crap beig turned out these days for films, it's really good to see a really good and original film. It took the concept of Aliens landing on Earth, and gave it a very VERY real twist to it. It really is what would happen if those Aliens would have landed at South Africa, another point which I loved. They didn't land in New York, or Washinton, or LA or even Tokyo. And with so many different little things, like having 'Christifer Johnston' as the only Alien with a name, and the grose mistreatment of people, and the whole settiment and moving of people aganst their will....it was all just perfict. The use of differnt media to brodcast and film scenes, the concept of the 'ever watchful news eye', the documentery feel to the set up in the begining, and even the charaters. They all felt so real. Which made the whole thing that much more disturbing. An easy 9/10.

So on Friday I joined my dad for the morning of road tripping. Then, after we descussed what was to be done on Wedneday when Ashley would be coming down, I drove back up to Sudbury. Before that, I stopped into Zhers to pick up a few things and saw Jennifer again. By the time I was back in Sudbuy, I was pritty beat and also had a pritty nasty head ake. So, since I hadn't heard anything from Due Drop after adding her to MSN and trying to find her on Facebook, I e-mailed her asking to get together so we could get to know each other better. Then I crashed on the counch and woke up to go to bed.

Then today, I went with Ashley and two of her friends to see the movie 'Distric 9' again. Once again, it was a Chapters and movie thing. All my friends seem to love the Chapters and Movie plan. So District 9 was even better the second time. You pick up on a little bit more, and you can also get into the story more when you're not sitting there gong 'Dude.....that was awesome....oh man, I should't have had that burger......gotta keep it down...I hope Ann isint made at me....I'll have to get her muffens after this....I hate being a bother and all OH MY GOD HE'S PEELING OFF HIS SKIN!!! Keep that burger down Michael....keep it down....'

And that is it. And now I'm off to bed.

book count, week, weekend, friends, family, movie ratings

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