(no subject)

Oct 30, 2008 08:35

i just want to say i've been shaking in my boots about midterms and i did swimmingly on my first two. in fact, after my modern art history exam, my lovely professor whose respect i want like a puppy dog wants ham bones, walked over to me (whilst everyone was still testing) and said "you got 105%". OH SNAP. in your face, average-intelligence losers! totally fucking kidding, but for real, i walked real confidently for the remainder of the day.

and i got some lovely news. that whole job at the hair salon thing that never came to fruition just came to fruition. the lady there is holding the job for me. BOMBTASTIC. considering i need money like a ho needs a pimp. i WANT so much right now. so many video games my heart desires. and i think i owe my parents like a grand in back insurance payments. but also, a job at a salon is nice because i look a hot fucking mess. my hair got butchered by "a friend" a few months back and the color that was once so lovely is grown out and has been replaced by my blase dish-water poo-blonde. so i've just been teasing the shit out of it and wearing it up in bobbypins day in and day out. not so hot. want my old barbie hair.

i'm studying at some dude's after class today. which ugh. he is a total alky. (i seriously attract alcoholics like honey attracts bees) he always smells like alcohol and wants to go get a beer in the middle of class. (really?) but he's my only friend in asian art history :( and i seriously need to study because i haven't been able to understand any of mrs. swan's lectures, and the book has remained in the trunk of my car since my mom got it for me. boo-urns.

tomorrow's halloween and i am getting my [miniature] drink on. spookytinis, for sure. i've been trying to prime myself all week (it's sad when half a beer makes you pass out) and i think i may be able to handle at least A vodka tonic before doing the halloween thang. excited for all the festivities. i think i'm going as DIVINE, if only i can get cody to be my john waters. he's been reluctant, but i know he'll come around.

and i am now going to be late for stupid korean art history.

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