I have a lot to say....

Jul 04, 2008 19:46

I haven't posted in what? Forever? I was doing dishes this morning when I got off work and found myself thinking how much I miss posting. So here goes a quick recap...

Jata and I are doing great...actually we celebrate our 1 year anniversary on the 7th! In some ways it's like wow, a year? are you fa real? and in other ways it's like... a year? is that it? I don't know... it's crazy...but I'm so lucky we found each other. I love that girl! Let's backtrack a lil bit tho cuz it must be mentioned that on January 10th I had gastric bypass surgery. It was probably the hardest decision I've ever made in my life, and also the most life altering... but I'm so glad I did it! There were some complications... in April I was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (click here if you wanna know more)but basically since my immune system was already compromised from such major surgery, I got a bad bad cold/ear infection/sinus infection and my immune system got all confused as to who the bad guys were and who the good guys were so it started attacking everything that looked wonky... so happens that nerve endings look wonky. My immune system went psycho and ate the proteins at the ends of my nerves and my body was completely numb from my waist down. I could barely walk, but thank goodness it didn't get too far cuz those French diseases don't play! I could have lost all use of my legs had it gone further...or I could have died. I was one of the lucky ones though. Long story short, I'm recovering well from that...I still haven't regained the complete use of my legs but I'm getting there! As far as having Gastric Bypass goes, I don't regret a thing! 6 months later I am 115lbs lighter...in mind, body, and spirit.

Speaking of spirit, I'm practicing Buddhism now. I think that's been a long time coming... the screen name was probably a subconscious hint to myself. I admit, sometimes I have blonde roots, but it's all good because when I get it, I get it. Since deciding I was going to practice Buddhism I've so much more at peace with myself...I'm nowhere near close to being enlightened, complete understanding and total peace....but I'm working on it dammit!

My best friend (Brad, as you all know) and Mesia spent the night at my house. Even tho I didn't really get to see them but for a couple of hours this morning, it felt nice to have them here. I miss my friends so much. Going through all this personal stuff doesn't leave much time to travel and hang out like I used to, but now that I'm starting to feel better....watch out! Lena is back! This would be a stellar time to say Happy Birthday to my favorite Thespian, Ryan! He's finally legal and can purchase his own cigarettes and beer! We can no long say he's 12... now he's 18! Love you sweetie.

A lot of things have been going on with my job - I work at the Palace in the Player's Club now - but I don't wanna go there... I'll save that for another post and end this one on a happy note. Al Green is coming to the Hard Rock... and guess who will be in the front row? Damn right!

Happy 4th you guys! I love you all and I hope you are safe and happy!

Peace & Blessings

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