
Jul 23, 2007 22:32

I think it's sad how people waste their time writing about things they say don't matter to them. I.E. Someone's doing you wrong, someone's talking about you, your man/woman cheated, your best friend didn't keep a secret. All these things are the reason why most of us keep a blog/journal... to vent about the shit in our lives... but when you say something doesn't matter to you, aren't you past the point of venting? If it's over and it's done with, why keep it alive? You put all this energy into writing about it and telling the world how much it doesn't matter to you is really only doing one thing: Telling the world how much it DOES STILL MATTER to you.

I could understand if you're blogging about something that just happened to you and your angry/hurt/pissed...whatever...but when your blog is filled with "...but I don't care" then who are you reallying fooling? Answer: Yourself. Why would you waste the energy it takes to write a blog about something that doesn't matter to you? Answer: It does matter, and all you're doing by blogging about it is showing the person who fucked you over that they still have power over you. I'm not saying don't express your feelings people...By all means, it's a free country. I'm saying if you're going to express your feelings, don't lie about them. Don't say you're over something when you're obviously not. It just makes you look stupid.

And then again...I could be wrong. I don't care! Hahahaha.

Oh and just a p.s. - I have nieces who love the Bratz dolls and one of my nieces is jumping outta her shoes to go see the movie...but my thing is this: did you notice how when the Bratz came out their "thing" was ethnic diversity...but the trailer shows a bunch of blond haired, blue eyed girls white girls? Where are the Black girls with green eyes, Asian girls with blue eyes, White girls with hazel eyes? I mean, if you're basing the movie off the dolls and the dolls popularity, shouldn't these dolls be represented too??????

I don't know man... I just don't know.

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