Hello everyone, since my life has become about my work I thought why not start this lj afresh with a new perspective...? So here I am. 3 weeks from being 22, I have spent every second since I graduated temping, babysitting, and auditioning, not necessarily in that order. I have gone through many ups and many more downs, and so many accumulated horror stories that it's almost crucial that they be documented here. Otherwise, who knows what will happen to these tales. So to recap, I'm going to try and update as often as I can with a new story from each section of my career: Temping, Babysitting, Auditions, and Other--which will be for anything that doesn't quite fit but I want to write about anyway. If I give up and this is super boring, oh well, at least I tried.
I'm currently doing a week at Lavazza Premium Coffees, a generally wonderful place to work filled to the brim with caffeine-infused Italians. They force coffee onto me at any and all times, so in this caffeine produced environment tensions often run high, especially when the owner's daughter comes in to visit from the Motherland...like today. Everyone is literally freaking out. It's funny. I don't have any horror stories per say from here, just another wacky place to work where I answer the phones and appear busy when I'm really just writing in my lj. Heh. Oh but there's this: the view.
http://photos-f.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v192/166/46/820728/n820728_39185909_8946.jpg BABYSITTING
There are currently 3 children who I nanny: 5 year old Meredith Louise Devine (real name), and siblings 3 year old Simon and 15 month old Clara Pearl. Yesterday I took Meredith to the CMOM (Children's Museum of Manhattan) to see the Greek mythology exhibit but instead she wanted to play in the baby area which she is waaay too young for. This floor is dedicated apparently to ugly babies giving each other diseases. There are plastic surfaces where babies just crawl around confused and screaming while the parents seem to have blocked out the cries with their MPC (meaningless parental chatter). But anyways while washing her hands back home Meredith immediately took off all her clothes because she was "so hot" from walking and started using her wet toothbrush to cool herself off. She said it was the best way she could think of to cool down. I said this kid is mentally disturbed.
I recently turned down an offer to join an agency called DSS Entertainment that would force me to relocate to LA and spend a month doing street funsraising in order to have some LA agent put me in a reality show and an all female sketch comedy group. I said no because first of all selling candy on the street is like the worst thing you can do ever and also I'd like to have a say in what I do career-wise. So an interesting offer but no dice. I also got asked to join a new company called the Misfit Toys Repertory, which includes eating cookies as a main tenet in their mission statement. Cookies?! Sign me the crap up! Otherwise I'm still waiting to hear about my audition for chick Julius Caesar. Seeing as rehearsals start tomorrow, I'm not expecting much as each uneventful hour passes. Sigh.
I saw the Kids in the Hall reunion last night with Jason and I laughed for 2 hours straight. If you don't know who they are Youtube that shit and get acquainted. They were all so en pointe and polished as a troupe it impressed me that people could work together so well for so many years. I think my favorite is Bruce because he plays a spastic woman so so well. And his Superdrunk was incredible also. And Mark McKinney squished all our heads!!!! Yay! I love them so.
I promise the stories will get more interesting in the following days.