People who spoke to me ahead of time about working for Wayne Enterprises! First, check in here, we'll make sure everything's all good and settled, and eventually you'll be commenting to the permanent jobs page and become an employee of Wayne Enterprises 8)
IF after however long you/r character decide they want the hell out of dodge, your work for Mr. Wayne will count for jobs worked just like anything out of the newspaper, so you can use them for promotions and the like!
So far, the people I have down as interested in jobs are:
Naomi (+ Little Guy?)
Demona (lol)
Not Heero
Especially not Jason
If I'm forgetting anyone please hit me over the head :| ANYWAY you folk! If you're still into Wayne Enterprises things, let's discuss what you want to do (keeping in mind we're currently doing MEDICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT plus delivery for medical supplies and the like because they need to make a living) and wages and stuff!
Anyone who's applying for a job that actually requires some skill (ie: research, sciencey things) will ICly be interviewed and approved by Bruce. I'm planning on making a post about that if you want to thread it out, but if you can't get to the post, we can just handwave things! Also talk to me if you want the hiring process to go a certain way ICly.
(the application/interview process also involves Bruce stalking just about everything you've ever posted unlocked on the Network, by the way, but he looks more for judge of character and skills then for whether or not you've been doing anything illegal, so don't worry about that!)
OTHER PEOPLE! If you want to get involved with Wayne Enterprises, I'm planning on spamming the mission suggestions, so there will definitely be more spots! Just know that those are open to everyone. Those jobs will be more on the menial side (coffeeboys, security, drivers, delivery boys, etc), so if you want something fancier, talk to me here and we'll work something out!
With that in mind, anything and everything related to Wayne Enterprises can also be brought up here: other branches you want to see? Suggestions for jobs I should be sure to send to the paper? Hit me up!
Oh yeah I'm planning on putting up a log that can basically last the whole month for any and all Wayne Enterprises employees, just to threadjack each other and spam away and get some "bitching at the water fountain" CR. Y/N/Corinne why the fuck is this post so long?