Feb 17, 2010 17:42
Good afternoon (...or morning or evening or ungodly hour of the night) everyone! I know we didn't announce it again, but it's time for our FOURTH:
Here are the basic rules [and delicious blatant copypasta]!
×) Comment to this post with the journal names (and name names) of characters you play. Alternatively you can also post a link to an already existing HMD in your journal, if that's what you're more comfortable with. THIS MEME IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY
×) Constructive Criticism only!!!! Don't be a jerk and don't insult the mun personally! I don't think we'll have this problem, since our players are pretty chill, but there could also be outside forces, etc. etc. If you're found being needlessly nasty to another player, you'll get two shots: One wrist slap where we'll ask you to stop, and if you continue, we'll turn IP logging on and warn your ass personally. Please don't make any of us go to this extreme!
×) Conversely, if you receive polite crit and respond with a hissy fit, we're not gonna help you out. If you disagree, or if your feelings have been hurt, either politely state your reasons for doing what you've done, or politely duck out of the thread. This shouldn't be a festival of BAAAAAAAWWWWWW. However keep this in mind, if you receive criticism, it's more than likely that whoever gave it to you earnestly wants to see you play better and is only trying to help out. So try and keep an open mind! :D
×) Discussing the game itself is very much appreciated! Giving the mods crit on our abilities thus far, or crit on the layout (...or lack thereof *shot*) will help us get better! Again, just don't come in here and say stuff like "YOU GUYS SUCK!!!!1!1one!1!!!" without basis. We're not going to take you seriously, and you'll probably be mocked mercilessly.
Further notes include **SLIGHTLY NEW BNR IMPORTANT STUFF**:
×) 8D;;; After four years I'm still trying to figure out how lj works, so if something glitches up and anon isn't allowed, or if ip tracking is on give me a holler and I'll try to fix it!
×) This can go on until the next HMD meme is posted! (probably in a couple of months) So keep an eye on the comments here!
×) ALSO! While giving each other love is nice, and I enjoy it too-- keep the lovings for a love meme! Or if you're going to show love, give a player concrit as well!
I'll update with anything else as time goes by. Until then, let's do this, everyone! :D
!hmd meme