Please read everything carefully!
Firstly, we want to make it very clear that, as of right now, the game is NOT going to be moved. LJ is comfortable, LJ is familiar, LJ has its fingers in all of our wallets. Moving the communities would be a hell of a lot of work. We would lose all of our wonderful posts and logs and threads.
However, with the recent announced changes from the LJ team (in this
incredibly vague news post and the more detailed list from one of the
Russian programmers' posts), and considering all of the crap we've been taking from LJ in the past months, we've been toying with the idea of maybe considering moving the game. However, we're not going to unless a.) the changes are truly hideous and make everyone miserable, and b.) the majority of the players want to move.
Which is why we're making this post. Tell us your thoughts! Discuss the pros and cons amongst yourselves. Discuss them with us! Get some dialogue going.
Some informational reading:
Guide to differences between LJ and DWDW's latest news post If you find other posts with relevant information, please toss us a link!
Anyone can register a basic account on Dreamwidth for free without an invite code until the end of the year, so it's a great time to grab some usernames if you think you might even be slightly interested.
Lastly, we really want to emphasize that right now, we are not moving the RP. This post is a "what if" to feel out player thoughts on the subject so that in the worst-case scenario, we're not scrambling for answers.
EDIT: We are currently on minimalism for comment pages. There are a couple issues with this layout that can't be fixed because it is a custom comment page. But please let us know what you think and hopefully you can easily get back to your tags! FOR BEST RESULTS (since icons don't load on the front page), please visit the comms through your friendslists.
Functionality that cannot be fixed:
- Keyword mouseover. They got rid of the title tag. You will not be able to see anyone's keywords by mousing over their icon.
- When you post a comment, it won't take you to the thread but rather to the comment.
- When you have a long thread and you keep hitting expand, the comment gets smooshed. The only way to revert back to nonsmushed threads is currently to go back to LJ's new comment page layout.
Anything else, please let us know.
Also, if you'd like to implement this layout for yourself, the layout is from stoppedhiding.