The mages' quarters, Paras Derval, Fionavar

Jan 23, 2007 13:32

Kimberly Ford, Seer of Brennin, lay unconscious on the bed of the greatest mage in Fionavar. Arthur Pendragon had spoken long into the night with the mage, Loren Silvercloak, and his source Matt Sören, but by dawn both the mage and the dwarf were yawning. Arthur said, "Sleep. I'll watch over her ( Read more... )

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bannion_sight January 23 2007, 21:44:03 UTC
She had been weary beyond all measure, and for once her sleep had been without a seer's visions. Instead, Kim had dreamed of Ysanne's lake, and the peace to be found there.

This room is also quiet, but it is different, and eventually-- combined with a few hours' rest-- that is enough to overcome her exhaustion.

Slowly, Kim opens her eyes and sits up, looking around the room.


most_generous January 23 2007, 22:30:42 UTC
With the curtains closed, and only a low fire to light the room, there is very little to see. A man, hardly visible in the shadows, rises from a chair to draw the curtains. Brilliant sunlight, reflecting off snow, illuminates the room.

"Good morning, Seer," says Arthur Pendragon.


bannion_sight January 23 2007, 22:37:11 UTC
"Good morning," she says, even as the weight of sorrow falls through her again at what she has done.

But there was no help for it, and against all hope or expectation he has forgiven her, so Kim forces herself to set it aside and to move forward, starting with facing Arthur Pendragon as he is now, here, in this place.

"I didn't mean to sleep so long," Kim adds, a touch ruefully. "Loren and Matt?"


most_generous January 23 2007, 22:56:29 UTC
"Resting." Arthur Pendragon smiles at her. "They are wise and powerful, but mortal enough to require sleep eventually. As you are also."

Of course Arthur has forgiven Kim Ford. He has been called to fight, in a war that needs him lest all the kingdoms in all the worlds fail and fade; Kim has only done her duty to bring him here. What responsibilities he has elsewhere have been passed on to another, and his work is here in Fionavar.

Besides, they are here, or will be. Arthur knows how the curse must play out, but he misses them terribly, even so.


bannion_sight January 23 2007, 23:01:39 UTC
"Let them rest a little longer, then."

While they can; while any of them can.

"I don't know what the three of you talked about already, but we'll have to make some decisions soon."


most_generous January 23 2007, 23:27:34 UTC
"For the most part, we told stories," says Arthur, smiling again. "They told me about their skylore, and how the first mage Amairgen found it, and I told them about the many lives of a king named Arthur.

"What decisions are these, Kim Ford?"


bannion_sight January 23 2007, 23:34:38 UTC
"I'm sorry I missed it," she says aloud, and there's a quick flash of a smile from the young woman and not the Seer. "Loren's pretty gifted as a speaker. That's how we met him, actually."

That bright smile doesn't last long, though. The many lives of the Warrior, she thinks. Who always dies, and is not allowed to rest.

Kim sighs.

"Well, for one, Aileron needs to know that you're here," she says slowly. "Aileron dan Ailell-- he's the High King of Brennin."


most_generous January 24 2007, 00:04:30 UTC
Abruptly Arthur's demeanor changes; he is all commander, now, examining the tactical situation. "Do you think a power struggle is likely?"


bannion_sight January 24 2007, 00:05:08 UTC
"I don't know. I hope not."

She tucks a lock of white hair behind her ear, absently, and clasps her hands together tightly in her lap for lack of anything else to do with them.

"You have to understand, though. There's a force to him, a conviction-- and he was born for this, to fight this war." Clear gray eyes meet his, and hold. "I've seen it."

There's a moment of silence before Kim shrugs, then adds,

"And -- well, given who you are -- I don't know for sure how he'll react."


most_generous January 24 2007, 00:13:09 UTC
"In all of the other lives," Arthur tells Kim, "I was first among equals. When it was time to fight, my men, my commanders, all the kings of Britain would start debating tactics and strategy. I suppose you can imagine how loud the conversation was around my Table.

"I have seen every kind of conflict among kings and fighters that has ever been, and I know these things can happen. But when I am present, there is, and will always be, a place for more than one commander on the side of Light."


bannion_sight January 24 2007, 00:25:40 UTC
"Dux bellorum," Kim murmurs, very softly. "Thank you. I should have known, and I guess in a way I did, but... thank you, all the same."

She hesitates, because now, despite all her seer's sight and inner knowledge, Kim's uncertain quite how to approach this.

"Your other lives," she says, at last. "There's a place, that's neither our world or Fionavar-- it's somewhere else, somewhere between, or outside... it's hard to explain."

She spreads her hands, not quite helplessly, and doesn't look at the Baelrath on her finger.

"When I was there, I met a young man, who said he was your son. Bran Davies."

Kim pauses there, looking for some sign of recognition.


most_generous January 24 2007, 01:12:17 UTC
Arthur's hand jerks on the arm of the wooden chair. It is his first unguarded motion all morning.

"You met Bran at Milliways."

He knows the name Bran Davies from the other set of memories. He did not expect to hear Bran's name here ( ... )


bannion_sight January 28 2007, 08:15:15 UTC
By the time he finishes his recitation of events, Kim is staring wide-eyed at him, as pale as her hair.

"Oh, god," she breathes, as her twinned soul twists within her. Neither she nor Ysanne had seen this, had ever dreamed this, had even considered--

"The Baelrath. It reacted to him. And because of that..."

Kim swallows hard, trying to think what this will mean for them all, but all she can find to say at first is,

"I'm so sorry."

Even as she says it, meaning every word, a deeper part of her wonders if it's entirely true.

When the time comes, I think it will be well, Professor Lyon had said, he who was Merlin once. If my lord Arthur is summoned to fight in your world, then you will have the good fortune to have him.


most_generous January 28 2007, 08:50:25 UTC
"You did what you must." Arthur firmly pushes aside the apology.

"In the service of necessity, the Light can be almost as cruel as any creature of the Dark. If the Light were not so, the Dark might triumph, and then there would be no place in any of the worlds for any kindness at all. You need not be sorry, Kim Ford, or if you are sorry, you cannot reject your duties because of it. The consequences would be far too grave."


bannion_sight January 28 2007, 09:02:02 UTC
She's never been the most patient person, but in the face of something like this, there's no room left for her temper to flare. Not now, and so,

"I know," she says softly, speaking through the sorrow that lies within her like stone, all the same. "I do know that. Nevertheless, I am sorry for it, although I would do it again, even knowing this, as well. The Warstone knows what will be needed, you see."

She hesitates, then adds,

"It may be that I can get a message to him, though. If you want."


most_generous January 28 2007, 09:12:25 UTC
"A kind thought," replies Arthur, "but I doubt that you could. Bran is not at Milliways, and he knows what he needs to know already."


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