Writing papers is exhausting ... only 3 pages left (and then the reflection paper *collapses*)
And then, once I turn this one in ... I get to start another one!
Obviously, I am too tired to care, though not quite tired enough to stop writing, because that would just be a very, very bad idea. (Of course, knowing me, you realize that this paper is due tomorrow.)
It's times like these that make me wonder why in the world I became an English major; I simply do not enjoy writing papers, even when they're about things that I would usually enjoy prattering on about (fairy tale retellings, in this case). I knew it; I should've taken the option to just write a story instead. Oh, well. Definitely too late now.
Um, please remind me of this entry a few weeks into next semester, when I am putting off my future research papers, k?
(Though it's not like I've forgotten about the all-nighter I had the idiocy to pull that one time. Never ever, never ever again.)
Ufufu, let's write some more about feminism, subversion, and parody!
Also, a link for you:
I can almost guarantee this will make you happy. It certainly brightened my dark, dreary, rain and research-filled day.