Gacked from
dolimir_k who had such neat answers, I thought I'd join in on this too
1. Leave me something fun in the comment section: a joke, a You Tube selection you like, a photo you're particularly fond of. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions, then leave me a link so I can read your answers. *g*
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
Dolimir's Questions
1. So what fandoms have you been dabbling in after Sentinel (besides SGA. Heh)?
Well, I haven't been writing in much since the Sentinel. I've written an NCIS story, but that's pretty much it. I'm currently writing a SGA story. But I lurk about in a lot of fandoms: Harry Potter (although less now), NCIS, Num3rs, Criminal MInds, The West Wing (that's a new one for me, as in the last three weeks I've watched and read everything I could), Dr. Who, Torchwood. Um....I think that's pretty much it.
2. You finished your doctorate, right? (Remind me again what it was on).
Yes! I finally did it. I defended last year (almost a year ago) and it was in philosophy and was essentially defining the concept of oppression and the implications of that definition for feminist theory and social and political policy. (very very depressing and/or boring)
3. What've you been up to since Lurkers (I feel like it's been forever since we chatted)?
Not much when it comes to fandom stuffs. Once livejournal really took off as the main place to be for fandom, I felt kind of left out as I didn't really know much about it and the email lists died down. Then I got really busy with work and teaching and looking for a better job, figuring out how to be married, how to own a dog and cat, and basiclaly try to kick my addiciton to the internet. All has worked out well except for the last one!
4. So why mosquito_larva?
I wanted hoopyfrood because that was a screen name I was using in another forum (an online scrabble game) and thought it was funny because of the Douglas Adams connection. But, to my amazement, it was taken. Every combination of screen name I could think of was taken, and then I was outside one day and having JUST moved to Winnipeg, was inundated with mosquitos. (yes, they really are that bad) So I thought mosquito_larva was something no one else in their right mind would choose. So I did. (and then came up with cool titles and subtitles for the journal too...)
5. So what movies have you seen this summer?
kelmendi and I have seen POTC3, and The Silver Surfer. Enjoyed them both muchly. We also plan on seeing Shrek 3, and the Harry Potter Movie. Which is more movies than I've seen in the last few years altogether!
That was fun. Feel free to join in....I can come up with fun questions.