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shipperx November 5 2010, 00:25:01 UTC
we've been shown that Buffy has has feelings for Spike; it's obvious that Buffy/Angel's current arc comes to an ending. I think it's pretty much a given that The Triangle status quo will be kept forever. Buffy loves and will love both vampires.

I'm afraid I'm at a loss as to where there's parity. Buffy hasn't said she loves Spike in Season 8 or behaved as though she has any love for Spike in Season 8. A sex fantansy basically said she still lusts after him when she's on glow-juice and maybe a bit of sympathy that she hurts him when she waxes on about glow-sex, but we've always known she finds Spike sexually attractive and she'd have to be completely heartless to not have any sympathy for the guy who just rescued all her friends while she's been out destroying the world. Meanwhile we've been beaten over the head issue after issue that no matter what in the frak Angel does, no matter how stupid, insane or selfish she wuvs him oooooooooooh so much and so deliriously. That's a pair co-dependants and someone suffering unrequited ( ... )


moscow_watcher November 5 2010, 01:42:35 UTC
Yes, mileage may vary - I don't know, maybe it's my shipper bias. But I feel some vibe of finality in the whole Twilight arc. It feels like Joss is squeezing everything he can squeeze from the ship. Everything we had in season 2 plus earth-shattering frak. "You'll fight, you'll shag, you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends." They shagged, they'll fight - and then? Will they hate each other when the season is over?

It's just a hunch. I don't know if I'm right.


nmcil12 November 5 2010, 23:57:20 UTC
I know that it's not good to project too much of a RL experience onto the reading of The Buffyverse, but I have always felt that the only reason that the series had such devoted fans while it aired, and now all these years later is because it did reflect RL and forced the viewers to ask all the hard questions. Individuals of course interpreted the series with their own life experiences, but it also made one go outside of the "comfort zone ( ... )


norwie2010 November 6 2010, 00:22:06 UTC
Well, as far as i see it - Buffy is merely shown in a rather non-flattering light. (Yes, she did boink a villain, but that in and off itself is hardly a crime.)

Angel on the other hand....


shipperx November 7 2010, 21:01:37 UTC
And it figures Angel gets the a handwave excuse for how he's never responsible for what he does. It's Angel after all. ::eyeroll::

Of course before after all

a) People didn't have to watch several years of Spuffy being forced down their throats while the rest of the characters got far less screentime and development than they did in the Bangel years ::eyeroll::

b) Fans of other characters have never had to listen to Spike fans go on and on about how misunderstood their favourite strutting peacock is ::eyeroll::

Spike fans. One can only imagine what they'd think if he had a pot belly and jowls. ::eyeroll::


moscow_watcher November 7 2010, 21:34:52 UTC
Dear anonymous commenter,

Please, remember that you're in a Spike fan's LJ, okay? :)

Seriously, you're welcome to express your opinion, but, please, abstain from condescending and/or derogatory comments about other fans.

Thank you.


shipperx November 8 2010, 15:22:18 UTC

Because, y'know, people finding David Boreanaz attractive has nothing at all to do with people staying on that ship.

Double standard much?

After all, it's not like Twangel hasn't beaten the crap out of Satsu and Buffy (if he wears a mask it doesn't count...?), persecuted slayers, stood by and watched Slayers being slaughtered en mass, witheld copious amounts of info from Buffy as he manipulated her into spakking that destroys the world!, then not particularly caring that he's just brought about the end of the world (again), and... has thrown back in to destroying the world yet another time! Generally speaking, most people learn from mistakes. Angel seems to be having some difficulty with that. You would have thought he'd have learned a bit about prophecies after his listening to Whistler got him soulless, nearly destroying the world by bringing forth Acathla, and resulting in his being sent to hell. Or the second time when he believed a prophecy, sold himself to W&H and ended in dragging L.A. to hell. And then there was ( ... )


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