It's a sad world where the only New Year's Eve video countdown is on MTV Tres.

Jan 01, 2012 16:52

Happy New Year!

Any minute now, I will be top-posting a fic index on Dreamwidth. I've had that on my LJ for a while, and it now makes sense to have one on DW as well. I'm also vaguely hoping to put some of my old fic on AO3, starting with a few really old fics that no longer exist anywhere but The Wayback Machine. I don't suspect I'll have much time for it, but I have dreams.

I wrote two stories for Yuletide. My original assignment was for speakingwosound, who wanted my Make It Or Break It het OTP, Payson/Sasha. The story, Eternal Return, is one I've wanted to write for a while but couldn't find an angle on until the Yulegoat kicked me in the butt. It contains explicit m/f sex; Payson is over 18 for those parts of the story.

I adopted
whenrabbitsattack's pinch hit request for Warehouse 13 gen. The story, A Pal and a Confidante, centers around the friendship between Claudia and Steve Jinks.

I will be away from fandom for at least a week in order to focus on work stuff.


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