This year, only five fishes, due to budget cuts.

Dec 26, 2011 13:45

1. I've long assumed that we'd reach a tipping point where I preferred Dreamwidth's functionality to LJ's. While I'm not up in arms about the recent changes in comment code like others are (and I've got my LJ set up so the new code pretty much never affects me), the tipping point has arrived. I'll still be reading friends lists on both, and crossposting by hand as I've been doing, but I'll be optimizing my posts for DW and more likely to add new friends on DW than on LJ.

2. I got two! Amazing! Fics for Yuletide! Someone diligently stalked my journals to write me Mixing Oranges With Reds, in which Kalinda Sharma and Elsbeth Tascioni go ice skating and my heart swells with awwww. On top of that, to my delight, some incredible human being wrote me Tom Brady/Wes Welker slash with bonus Vince Wilfork shenanigans, You Are the Fruit to My Loom, a gift even greater than the Pats' coming from behind to earn home field advantage in the playoffs. I recommend both fics and feel lucky to have scored such a shiny Yuletide haul.

2a. I don't usually read Yuletide fics not written for me until after the author reveal. I still have a few of last year's stories bookmarked for future reading, because this year, even more than in the past, I have so little time for fanfic, it's sad and painful. It also looks like I won't have time to do the Yuletide RPF roundup that I did for handbasketnews in the past.

2b. I wrote a regular fic and a pinch hit for Yuletide this year. If you can guess what I wrote, you win... a cookie? My admiration? Maybe a ficlet?

3. My parents got me an XBox for Hanukkah. I have been very busy scaring the neighbors and outright traumatizing thistle90 with Kinect Adventures and Just Dance 3. The XBox also allows me to watch YouTube on my TV, which means I get to see other countries' figure skating nationals on the big screen. I have Russian Nats and the Japanese ladies queued up, but so far, all I've seen is the Japanese men, hitting (some of) their quads in glorious hi def. Takahashi's SP was spectacular, and Kozuka is definitely returning to form. Both of these facts, plus the existence of Yuzuru Hanyu, make me want to push Plushenko off a Disney villain cliff of ambiguous defeat.

yuletiiiiiiide, football, skating

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