Things I learned recently:
- Roswell is the Kaysar of TV shows.
- My Torchwood-related willpower ran out at 1 PM today. Now torrenting part one of CoE.
- Sometimes my DVR needs to be punished.
- Sometimes it's not my DVR's fault, and CBS needs to be punished. If I die, tell the people judging my TV preferences that I don't actually watch Cold Case; I just have to DVR every episode so I don't miss the end of The Amazing Race and Big Brother.
- Come to think of it, Cold Case probably makes my TV preferences look better.
- Fic I am not writing: the one where Adam Lambert is the world's worst ninja.
- You know who is really adorable? Charlie White.
- Macaroni and cheese + bacon + fox1013 + thistle90 = best ever.