Really a lot of campfire sauce.

Jul 10, 2009 15:40

I keep trying to make it so that my fannish life isn't divided into reality TV and sports over here, and fiction over there. But that's mostly how it's going.

Best movie I have seen in a while: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Also enjoying, despite how hard it is working to be edgy, and not just because of the lesbians: Skins.

On the other hand, I had to turn off WALL-E after 20 minutes. It was a) totally incompatible with my ADD, because it requires you to look at it every second and not do anything with your hands or you will miss something and it will not make any sense. I have a visual-without-audio attention span of 5 minutes; I was literally shaking. More bothersome to me was the aggressive heterosexism that I really wanted to get over, but which my brain kept coming back to because it could not do anything with its hands. Robots with instinctual binary heteronormative gender and heterosexual desire! Yes, I've been reading a lot of theory lately, but even without -- this is the kind of movie that made my childhood difficult. I felt like I was being indoctrinated into heteronormativity/heterosexuality as the natural order of things, while the ghosts of Michel Foucault and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick wept in the background. In other words, I have had enough of the ball-busting, self-and-other-destructive woman tamed by love, and I wish our culture would stop that so I could enjoy a cartoon once in a while.

On the other end of the cartoon happiness spectrum is Total Drama Action on the Cartoon Network, mostly for the ongoing Jeff Probst parody but also for more generally sticking to less obvious, more in-jokey satire of reality TV.

And oh, reality TV, you just give and give. Evan and Kupono and Jeanine in the top 10! Nigel Lythgoe, I forgive you for everything -- getting rid of Phillip was a brave decision but the right one. Thank you, NappyTabs, for finding a way to put Evan in a sweater vest in a hip hop number, and thank you, Mia Michaels, for finding a way to put Kupono in guyliner. But the costume award for the week goes to Jeanine, for putting herself in that gold Xena unitard. Rrowr.

In other reality boobs, Laura from Big Brother 11. Damn. fox1013 says I can has Lydia/Laura. Because the reality gods love me a little, she's not just eye candy: she seems like an astute, strategic game player. No, really, I would say that even if she weren't hot.

But the most exciting reality of my week has been the announcement of the new Project Runway designers. I am willing to give Lifetime the benefit of the doubt, because their website is hugely superior to Bravo's. A few video clips, and I remember that this is my favoritest show ever. Early and irrational picks for designers I like: Christopher, who describes his home decor as "mid-century European," and who is going to win this, you betcha. Irina, who makes gorgeous stuff and has a tiny dog and I like brunettes, okay? Ra'mon, whom I am already referring to as Gay Worf. And Qristyl, who I don't think is going to do that well, but who makes stunning plus-size couture.

So you need to understand why, two episodes into Merlin, I am not dropping everything and joining that fandom. It's kind of a Ren Faire with a plot. I know it's anachronistic on purpose, and that's not bothering me -- it's amusing me in a Hob Gadling, I-do-this-for-my-job way, where it's cute but I can't get lost in it. The writing is way better than Torchwood, but Merlin loses on the eye candy factor. The two male leads are very Not My Type, and Merlin looks distractingly like Mickey Mouse. And you know, I realize there are girls, but I can't remember what they look like -- I just keep thinking about Laura from BB's boobs and Jeanine from SYTYCD in her gold unitard.

In conclusion, obSkating: Jeffrey Buttle's doggie is adorable.

movies, project runway, sytycd

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