Fic Index.

Jul 22, 2015 12:55

I have been needing to do this for a long time, what with the over a hundred stories in over 40 fandoms. This is a list of stories that are currently available somewhere in this LJ, or for which there is a very permanent offsite link. My website went down for good a couple of years ago; I am veeeery gradually restoring fic that was only available ( Read more... )

complete fic list, fanfic

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Comments 24

thistle90 July 30 2008, 02:33:46 UTC
Yay! *bookmarks*


mosca July 30 2008, 14:27:10 UTC
Yay for being bookmarked!

Although your comments on old fic last night reminded me of the problem with this plan. I am bad at thank yous. So blanket super awesome thank you for feedback on old stories that I am too lame to dig out and thank you individually for.


thistle90 August 1 2008, 02:25:29 UTC
so I read two completely awesome stories tonight while not doing my laundry and not washing my dishes. The one where River rapes Jayne and the one where Mal and Jayne wear dresses and accidentally fuck some untold number of times hence lending enough verisimilitude to their heist to appease the sly mafia. Both of those are ones I meant to find last year but never got around to. Completely. Awesome. One question about all the Chinese cuss words: are you just making that shit up or are those real?


mosca August 1 2008, 14:41:03 UTC
Yay, thank you!

The Chinese swearing is all... let's say it's authentic to the show, which is to say, it's bad Mandarin with a little Cantonese thrown in. In my headers, I link to the resources I used: a glossary of the Chinese used on the show plus a good online Mandarin-English dictionary plus callmesandy, who speaks some Mandarin.


oreowhore June 16 2009, 03:40:34 UTC
There ... is another person in the world that writes Survivor RPF?

I think I'm gonna die. Out of pure and utter shock and joy.


mosca June 16 2009, 04:10:02 UTC
Well, just the one. Charcus is love.

This is where I pimp dropyourbuffs.


oreowhore June 16 2009, 04:34:42 UTC
Oh dear. I might just have to contribute. Luckily Tocantins got me writing fic again. Not sure if anybody wants to read the pairing but hell, there just aren't enough Survivor slashers in the world so it's worth a shot, eh?


Kinda Gay Awards Results are In snowpuppies July 18 2009, 20:04:10 UTC
Congratulations! This message is to notify you that you're one of the winners a the 2009 Kinda Gay Awards.

You can find the results here.

Thank you for your participation! We hope to see your work represented next year. :)


sandrine August 5 2009, 22:08:00 UTC
I was wondering if your End of the Affair (Er. It was yours, right? "Apologetics"? If I've got the wrong writer, sorry in advance! :)) story was still available somewhere online?

I just started reading the book and suddenly remembered the fic, which I read ages and ages ago at Slash Cotillion. I saved it to my harddrive back then because I liked it so much, and I was trying to track it down online but the archive seems to be down.


mosca August 5 2009, 22:30:52 UTC
Wow, I'm thrilled that you remember that story! It went down when my webpage did, and I haven't restored it to LJ yet. But it is available here.


sandrine August 8 2009, 18:19:17 UTC
I think your story might well be the only End of the Affair slash fic (or any kind of fic, really) in existence - and it's so well-written. So I had plenty of reason to find it memorable. :)

Thanks for the link! *bookmarks*


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