Saturday Morning Freakout

Jul 16, 2005 09:24

1. Well, the freeversefic deadline has come and gone, and there are a lot of stories missing. A bunch of people have contacted me to let me know they'll be late (or nonexistent), but as seems to happen in challenges, a lot of people have simply disappeared. Of course, because I blame all misfortunes on myself, I am wondering if people didn't get their assignments, or if the assignments I gave were too hard, or if I failed to remind people sufficiently of the deadline, or if I'm so scary that people are afraid to e-mail me. And yeah, I know, some people get challenge assignments and completely forget about them, especially when they are operating under the giddy haze of Harry Potter and Sci-Fi Friday. I'm going to e-mail a "gentle reminder" to all the missing writers tonight. But if you read this journal, and you signed up for Free Verse but you haven't turned in a story yet, leave me a comment and ease my mind.

It looks like Amazon just shipped Half-Blood Prince, so we'll get it in a few days. distraction77 gets to read it first. I probably won't have finished it for a couple of weeks. I don't really care if I'm spoiled-- I kind of enjoy spoilers for Harry Potter, as they allow me to kick back and roast marshmallows on the ashes of the shipper wars. However, I urge people to be kind to readers who are not assholes like me, and cut-tag your spoilers.

distraction77 and I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night. At the midnight IMAX showing. My eyes still hurt, and I need to be sociable in an hour and a half. Review later on, possibly, but it's a cool movie. See it in IMAX if you can.
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