Weekend Review (picspam)

Apr 30, 2007 11:48

I had an awesome weekend at home. My dad was completely surprised to see me, which was really fun. Then, on Saturday, we had a surprise party for him. The guest list included some family, work friends of my dad's, and a lot of my parents' church friends. It was kind of bizarre to see people who wouldn't normally have anything to do with each other hanging out, but it was tons of fun, too.

Mom and Grandma.

My brother, David, and his boss, who is an old friend of my dad's - the guy brews his own wine and he brought over the BEST pinot noir (at least, that's what they told me it was). I hate wine, but even I liked the stuff.

David, Dad, and a friend Jeremy.

David and Dad. They are awesome.

My favorite picture of the weekend. David and me.

My mom's family - her sister, her, her mother, her brother.

This cake was amazing.

Daddy with his candles.

Not the best pciture of my mom, but that's okay.

Dad, Mom, and David in the forground. Various guests and our family room in the background.

I was fanscinated by the strawberries my mom had out. They were just sooooo red and sooooo pretty! I took about 40 pictures, most of which suck. These are the best ones, inspired by Artsy's "White Eggs in White Bowl on Brown Table."

(This one is now my desktop background.)

Then, when I got home last night, my roomate Kim, our friend DJ, and I were hanging out. I had just discovered that my camera kind of works again, so I was excited and taking lots of stupid pictures. The flash is broken, though, so some of them are super, super dark. Also, Kim was on a crazy sugar high, which made her act like she was drunk.

Me and Kim

This one makes me smile.

Yeah... DJ hadn't shaved yet, and Kim told him he could use one of our disposable razors to do so.

ZOMG it's me!!! (Worri, consider this the "haircut" picture that I never showed you.)

A sleep-deprived attempt at being artistic.

... and another one.

Consider me full of myself, but I want to post this one too.

Kim and DJ.

... We're being gophers.

My iPod was going this whole time, so we were dancing... in the bathroom.

Kim doesn't like to be tickled.

I don't know either.

A very manly DJ.

No comment.

So after that procrastination, I tried to stay awake and study for my midterm (which was this morning). I kept falling asleep while reading, so I figured it wasn't doing me much good to be up. I ended up going to bed around 2am and getting up at 7am to study more. Boo. I'm sleepy. But I think I did decently on the midterm!!

I want to take a nap, but I have two fics to write that are due today. Yipes! *opens Word*

ETA: In other news, I have started wearing a brace on my left wrist whenever I'm using the laptop and in my sleep. I sleep on my arms strangely and have been tweaking my wrist. Plus, using the laptop at school with the desks off to the right is forcing my left wrist to do weird things. I'm hoping this will make my wrist stop hurting like hell when I wake up every morning.

home, apartment stuff, food, kim, brother, family, dad, picspam

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