(no subject)

Aug 25, 2010 23:02

  • The two-day heat-wave has baked away the last remnants of this minor cold-flu thing that has been making me so tired and dizzy. Now I'm just tired from lack of sleep because, honestly, who can possibly sleep in such sweltering circumstances?
  • Although at 7:00 this evening it was about 20 degrees cooler than the same hour last night, the cat was not convinced that things were any better. " I iz dedz from heet wayv!" she said as soon as I walked in the front door. "Completely dedz!" Oh dear me.
  • Sunday, when I was feeling very run-down and achy in my knees and hips and elbows because I was starting to get that funny cold-flu, my married friends insisted we go see Agora. I took several Tylenol and drank some coffee and for a few hours I was able to act as if I were a normal person.

    The movie is interesting, if a bit stilted in parts. This is perhaps true of many historical dramas. Anyway, I loved the scenery and the sets, and the Alexandria library set was nice to look at. The movie has created some controversy and upset various sectors of the Christian world. I saw the film as a criticism of closed-mindedness as practiced by pagans, Jews, and Christians alike. All of which was historically accurate for the period in which this movie took place.
  • You guys, I was plagiarized! How about that? I wrote the story back in 2002, I think, and I had almost forgotten about the fic. From what I can tell, one of the copycats has removed her fic, while the second person posted her version about 5 or 6 years ago.

    I don't think of my stories as something that anyone would want to try to present as their own creation. Surely there's better stuff from which they can weave their delicate webs of deceit...

This entry was originally posted at http://myownspecialself.dreamwidth.org/771428.html.

blah, movies, it's so hot so hot so hot

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