- The San Francisco South-Bay Area is the 10th largest metropolitan area in the U.S. in terms of population -- my arduous daily commute drives home the point about how crowded we are -- and yet there is a constant parade of mountain wildlife through the garden at home. And of course the cat has noticed on more than one occasion. At 4:00 this morning she had a minor meltdown because a coyote somewhere on the next hill over from ours started yipping in that high-pitched way that coyotes do.
- I have been fighting off some sort of cold or flu this week. If I take a nap this afternoon I think I'll have a good chance of winning against this yucky, lurgy-ish malaise. In fact, right now I feel like calling down blessings on the name of whosoever invented the nap.
- I have decided that my naptime reading will be this.
- You know what my most recent DVD purchase was? The Greatest Story Ever Told. Yeah, I know... I don't understand my brain either.
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