Weekend recap: Faire was hot. Fun, but hot. :)
Yeah, that's pretty much it.
A few weeks ago, I joined a new community:
It's a Doctor Who video-making challenge community, and the first challenge was to do a 30-second trailer for DW. Not a second less, not a second more. I can't BEGIN to tell you how difficult it was to cut something down to only 30 seconds. I decided to use 20th Anniversary show "The Five Doctors" as my basis... and then had to figure out how to fit 5 Doctors, about a dozen companions, a few other Time Lords, and a few recurring villains into a 30-second video. (The villains and most of the other Time Lords ended up on the cutting floor... except for one recurring villain who is also a Time Lord. Sort of. LOL!)
Anyway... I was rather amused by my result. The folks who've commented on it over in the community seemed to like it, too. I figured I'd post a link here... for my own reference as well as so any of you who are interested could see it, too. :)
Vid Title: Let The Games Begin
Song Title: umm... I think "Monster Bossa" is the one I used... it's a clip of actual incidental music from Doctor Who.
moryssaSize: small: 1.4MB ; large: 4.0MB
Spoilers: The Five Doctors
Summary: Let The Games Begin :)
http://www.sendspace.com/file/ymvhsn large:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/q146dv youtube: