Your writing's bad and you should feel bad: Kate Alexander

Jul 07, 2013 14:24

So, Kate Alexander, you just had to let readers know that the heroine of your WWII novel Friends and Enemies (1982) is pretty by having her older brother think on page 3 that if she weren't his sister, he'd find her superhot, and then having him go on to list her charms in his mind, which include "all the right curves." This makes the brother feel "uneasy." Yeah. That makes me feel uneasy, too! Even more so because the heroine is only seventeen.

Apparently that was not gross enough, since on page 4, when her future love interest Gunther showed up, you had the brother think that she looked "good enough to eat." And it was just great when you compounded this literary crime by immediately headhopping into Gunther's POV in the middle of the scene, so we know that Gunther thinks she looks good enough to eat, too.

What the actual fuck? This is some V. C. Andrews-grade creepitude, except in a novel that I'm pretty damn sure isn't about incest. Did no one at any point in the publishing process feel any hint of uneasiness about this shit?

Right now I'm longing for the war to start and hoping that the creepy older brother dies before I have to read any more of his musings on the attractions of his little sister. I'm guessing that's not what you were going for.

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

utter wrongness, books, oh john ringo no

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