Tamra the Island/Faith

Aug 21, 2012 12:40

One dog is at the vet getting his teeth cleaned and another is being groomed, so Juno (aka Tiny Bit, Tiny Ball of Hate, Shit Ninja, Darth Bit, and Sithling) is evilly happily playing Only Dog for the day. Made a big, stock-up grocery-shopping trip after I dropped off the dogs, and the exterminator came to spray for carpenter ants while I was out. Alas, this is going to be one expensive day, and this on top of what I just had to pony up for property taxes and contact lenses.

(The glamor and excitement that is my life. Envy it!)


Tamra the Island

Needing something light after City Hunter, last night I watched the first episode of Tamra the Island. It was...kind of awful in an entertaining way? Neither the doofy shipwrecked white guy with the world's worst blond wig nor the stick-up-his-ass exiled Korean nobleman do a thing for me so far, but I like Jang Beo Jin enough to keep watching, especially since there are only 16 episodes.

I assume she ends up with the Korean guy (since this doesn't look like the rocks-fall-everyone-dies sort of drama), because he's the one who's mean and aloof. The best thing about the show so far is watching Beo Jin's mother tell him home truths and order him around.

But, seriously, what was with all the poop? Less excrement in future episodes, I hope.



It looks like I'm going to have to start watching Faith now, as each episode become available. My adoration of Lee Min Ho will not be denied!

(cap stolen from dangermousie)

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

kdrama, faith, lee min ho, tamra the island, dogs

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