Failing at life this weekend

Aug 12, 2012 13:45

Yesterday I intended to get shit done, which I suppose I did, sort of, if googling pictures of Lee Min Ho* and making a mean batch of guacamole count. Not entirely my fault, since I was in a fair amount of pain yesterday. Still am, but I'm going to try not to lose another day completely. Proofreading menus for a freelance job and folding laundry shouldn't overtax me, but I'm really not looking forward to stacking firewood. That last one's got to wait until the sun is low enough in the sky that I'm willing to spend time outdoors, even with sunscreen and hat. Also, I should probably eat something other than coffee and a spoonful of Nutella.

*Time well spent:

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

faith, lee min ho, real life

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