1) Solved my writing issue by switching from Word to longhand in a notebook. It's odd how that can jar things loose in your brain. I pretty much have to write on the computer for long stories, but this isn't going to be one. I also stepped away from trying to make the characters actually consummate anything, because they - or she, really - wouldn't
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Comments 6
Also, I totally, totally get the character(s) not cooperating on the consummating part. I think these characters are (currently on the show) in a really difficult emotional place for consummating things, which makes it tough on fic writers. I'm personally terrible at PWP. When I write, the characters have to have a reason to have sex, and we're so early in the UST stage canon-wise, and these two are soooooo damaged, it's difficult.
Then she went to clean the guns. :D
I SO hope S2 of the show gives us more things like shower scenes and not!flirting and other UST that would drive things exactly like the Sarah in your head. Hee.
P.S. Everyone should write faster. Just saying.
Seriously, though, I meant to get a lot of writing done today but the phone would not. stop. ringing. I'm going to take my notebook with me when I go to get my car's windshield replaced tomorrow. If that's the only way for me to entertain myself, perhaps there will be more progress.
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