Torchwood/AtS 3.01-3.04

Feb 25, 2008 21:53

I've gotten through the first four episodes of Torchwood S2. (I may never recover from KKBB. Seriously. Come back, Captain John!) Despite everyone raving about how much better S2 is, I think it's about the same as S1 (which I rather liked), so far at least. *shrug* Still don't have much use for Ianto. Still don't care for Rhys. I'll not be forgiving Owen in a hurry for a certain event near the end of S1, although I used to like the bastard. Gwen hate makes me hate the haters. Toshiko is fine. Captain Jack - well, EVERYONE loves Captain Jack. Sigh.

On to S3 of Angel.

3.01 "Heartthrob":
• So Fred has been lurking ferally around the hotel? For three months? Aw, Fred. She's like a cute little rodent.

• Who picked out all of Cordy's hideous sleeveless tops? This lavender ruffly one is particularly unattractive - not even bosom-flattering.

• Flashback to bad wig and worse accent. Yay? Unfortunately long before William's time.

• Now they've stuck Cordy in an unflattering purple jacket and an overstraightened mom-hair bob. So wrong.

• And Wesley, you need to trim your hair.

• Lucky Cordy to get to cling to Angel like that.

• The woman he loved is dead, but he survived losing her and gets to feel extra angst for that. *glee*

• "I'm Cordelia. I don't think. I know." I've been waiting for this one!

• Pregnant Darla is no surprise to me, although how she and Angel managed it I don't know. I mean, other than the obvious, but the obvious isn't supposed to make babies when vampires do it.

• Also, that was the fakest pregnancy belly I have ever seen, show.

3.02 "That Vision Thing":
• Fred under the table, eating Chinese food with her hands and grading Wesley and Gunn's sincerity FTW. She's adorable. And twitchy.

• DANIEL DAE KIM! That is a nice suit. Sigh.

• Cordy's vision slashed her stomach open? Not just her stomach. A rather disturbing new development. How long can she go on?

• Can't Angel smell Cordy's blood? He's very concerned, obviously, but didn't say anything about the multiple wounds he should have been able to smell.

• Lilah, you corporate shark-woman, you. How can anyone not like her?

• PUSTULES! Ick. What's next?

• Pulsating brain do not want do not want.

• *hugs poor, sad, boil-covered Cordy* Except that's probably a bad idea, with the boils and all.

• If Wesley doesn't get his hair cut soon, he's going to develop a mullet. And no one wants that.

• Lilah, you are so evilly sexy, but why the tragic bangs?

• OMG that was hot, when Angel killed pulsating-brain dude and told Lilah he'd kill her if she ever tried to strike at him through Cordy again. RAWR.

• And his thanks for that is an Eggo waffle? Uh, Cordy, you're doing it wrong.

3.03 "That Old Gang of Mine":
• Poor Gunn. His new friends are vampires and/or white. His old friends are not so much with the understanding, most of them. And then there's the sister angst.

• I'm still not feeling Wesley's hair. Cut. It.

• The only good demon's a dead one. Uh oh. Are we going for a message, show? Subtle as usual.

• Come on, Gunn. Talk to therapist!Angel.

• Just when you think a hostage situation couldn't be any more dire, the karaoke starts.

• Fred, please tell me you have a plan and aren't really selling them out. YES! "That's a stroke. I wasn't trying to sound snooty." Heh.

• Decapitation. Nice.

• As is stern Wesley telling Gunn he'll fire him if he ever pulls anything like that again.

3.04 "Carpe Noctem":
• Another ruffly sleeveless shirt on Cordelia. What did CC do to piss off the costume people?

• Oh, Wesley, you're not falling for Fred, are you? Don't you know that the whole show is about you not getting what you want? Okay, maybe not the whole show.

• Not!Angel thinks he's "going back to the hotel" with Cordy. Hahahaha. NO.

• And he has no idea he's a vampire. *glee*

• Don't take advantage of Fred's crush on Angel, not!Angel.

• Do Lilah if you want, though. She's a big girl and can take care of herself.

• Oh, yeah. But poor Fred. Not that Angel was ever going to be hers anyway.

• "Whoa, what are you, born again all of a sudden?" Hee. HEE.

• World's worst vampire.

• Buffy's alive, Fred. Give up. Not that she seems to know who Buffy is yet.

Fred is like a cute, twitchy little rodent. I really like her.

torchwood, ats

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