
Oct 20, 2006 19:35

3.14 "Blowback"


Is it too much to ask that my favorite character not have an abrupt and TOTAL PERSONALITY TRANSPLANT?


Not that it isn't hot in its own way, but there's no way this is the same character we knew and loved from S1 until midway through S3. Only doubling or brainwashing could plausibly explain it, because pussywhipping just doesn't seem quite a sufficient explanation.

All for the sake of a lame character I've really been trying to like because everyone else hates her for interfering with the terminally boring Syd/Vaughn. (I actually applaud her for that.)

I'm rooting for the bad guys, yes, but Lauren's evolness iz pastede on yay. Allison was ten times more evilly kickass - too bad we couldn't have kept her instead.

It takes more than fetching black lingerie and inch-thick black eyeliner to a badass make, you pallid, cut-rate excuse for a copy of Irina Derevko!


ETA: Sark still makes me weak at the knees even in this less-cool state. Damn him!

ETA2: Having watched a couple more episodes, in which Sark seems to be back to his former badass glory, I don't know what to think. (Well, other than that bottom!Sark is a crime against both nature and humanity, and WTF were the writers smoking when they came up with that?)

alias, sark

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