I haven't seen anyone else's reaction to the BSG season premiere, so for all I know the cool kids are bitching about how much they hated it.
Anyway, I LOVED IT. I was in tears at least three times - when I wasn't perched on the edge of my seat or applauding or hurling insults at characters who were pissing me off.
I especially loved Kara, which should surprise no one, even though the
Stockholm Syndrome bit at the end freaked me out a bit. Kara/Leoben is so twisted and wrong that I can't help but find it compelling, although I wish the toddler (who will always be LEOBENINA to me) would go away for good. I was kind of hoping she'd stick a fork in it. I don't suppose Kara will spend the whole season cooped up with Leoben and their allegedly hybrid baby. (There's no need to go over how very sick I am of this particular type of reproductive storyline being inflicted on female characters in SF. I think we covered that extensively last season.)
I want to see PILOTS again, and when I say pilots, everyone knows what I mean. Speaking of pilots who are being unpilotty, Lee! And his lovely and wise wife, whom he really should listen to, and his comfort eating, and his eternally fraught relationship with his father - and how I still love him, although I won't miss the fat suit.
I'm sure there are all sorts of deep, serious political thoughts I should be expressing, but mostly I AM JUST SO DAMN HAPPY TO HAVE MY SHOW BACK.