TM Prompt 221 - "Never pray for justice, because you might get some."

Mar 15, 2008 11:40

[ooc: av_lanche used with permission. Based on RP, though some vague references to the WeaponX in Ultimate X-Men.]

Toad sat on the wall of his cell.

Not just in his cell, but on it. On the inside of it, up near the ceiling, but on the vertical wall. Part of his mutant powers - he could cling to the wall like Spider-man (though he was, quite obviously, better then Spider-Man. His power was real. It was natural. It was a birthright, not just a little bug experiment gone wrong.

He was mutant.)

And despite the Power Supressers that WeaponX had set up in the cells, they didn't work on him. His mutation was physical - all in the blood and skin and muscle and bone. No little psi-screamers to mess up his powers based in the brain or any -kenises type things. Nothing to stop him from having to pull on his power and do any transformations or anything like that. It was just always there, and WeaponX didn't know how to suppress it.

Well, other then that little device thing that was in his head they could explode if he were to run away or whatever.

But, on the compound, here in this cell? They couldn't stop him from being him, no matter how they tried.

And so he sat on the wall of the cell, which right pissed the guards off.


He'd do whatever he could to distract them from Avalanche. Dominic. The poor kid, he was breaking. They were wearing him down. Toad could hear his screams and wails of pains, and sobbing. It only made him more determined to get out and...

"You're a dead man, McCleary," Toad said, as the guard walked up to the cell and peered in.

"Don't think yer much in a position to be saying so, mutie" The last word sounded like the slither of a snake, something that was vile and disgusting. Venom.

Toad only laughed. Croaked. "You keep thinking that, mate, and you'll see."

"Oh, I'll see?" the tub-lard said, and he sneered. "You and that little sobbing mutant chap? You'll be used for what we need you for, and then you'll die in here. Die like you deserve. NOW GET DOWN OFF THAT WALL."

Toad laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more. McCleary yelled that at him at least three times a shift, and Toad never did, only increasing the guards frustration.

Suddenly, pain. Electric current. It shot up through the bottoms of his feet and through the palms of his hands, where they'd been resting against the wall. Toad screamed at the sudden pain, and dropped from the wall, hitting the floor hard, and whithered about it trembled through his body. When it was done, he was left gasping and moaning, for it bloody well hurt.

McCleary laughed with cruel delight. "Got you, froggie. While out on your little test run, we rigged your cell. Now you'll listen to us when we tell you what to do."

Toad took a moment to catch his breath and then he... laughed. And laughed and laughed. It started out weak, but grew stronger and stronger with each sound, until the cell was filled with his croaking.


Toad stopped abruptly. The cell was completely silent. Toad worked his way up to his feet, down in his usually comfortable squatting position, the same he had up on the wall but now on the floor facing the guard. He looked up at him, eyes like daggers, straight at McCleary, and somewhere in the background he heard Avalanche wail.

Toad spoke, voice no longer light. It was laden with it's own venom, and revenge, and an oath.

"Mark my words... you are a. dead. man."

weaponx, avalanche

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