#168 - Party!

Mar 04, 2007 13:03

I didn’t go to a lot of parties growing up. Actually… none, that I can recall.

The thing about being a mutant that has physical mutations… say, green skin and long limbs, for example… is that they are there from birth. Sure, they say that mutation manifests itself during puberty triggered from stress, but that’s just the powers.

It’s not like I just woke up and was green one day, or was getting the crap kicked out of me and my limbs suddenly looked different. For some of us who have the mutations visible on the outside - whether it’s being green or blue or pink, having big heads or small ones, or having pointy ears, or whatever - we have that from birth. It’s a waiting game to see what the powers are.

If we actually are mutants, of course. Some people are just freaks.

But, having it from birth and growing up being green led to lots of complications in my life. Abandoned by my parents, growing up in an orphanage, having the other kids hate me just because I looked different. Kids are cruel, man. I avoided them at all costs, including the stupid parties and holiday celebrations that occasionally occurred. At the age of nine, I just ran away, decided to make it on my own.

So, yeah, no parties growing up. I didn’t attend my first party until I was fifteen.

It wasn’t so much a party as a bunch of us just hanging out. I had finally found a flat - okay, so I was squatting in this old apartment building. A lot of us outcasts - the ones who looked different, were spit on or kicked or discriminated against and couldn’t find jobs - squatted there. Lots of different kinds of mutants, some younger than me, a lot older. We weren’t exactly a trusting lot, but some of us got along okay; it was the closest thing to friends I’d ever had.

Anyway, so me and a few of the guys and gals were at my bud’s apartment, drinking beer and listening to music off this radio someone nicked from somewhere. And that’s when it happened. There was shouting, and a sudden explosion, and the whole building shook.

Panic and chaos ensued. Every mutant for himself. Survival of the fittest and all.

The building burned down. Not all my friends had superhuman jumping abilities, or could climb walls, or what have you. Many mutants died that day.

I heard the next day the attack was by the Friends of Humanity. Within a week, I was a member of the Brotherhood.

I’ve been partying ever since.

[OOC: I do know that in the comics, Toad was born looking the way he does. I did take some liberties in assuming he didn't have his other powers until he was older, and that it was that way with all mutants that were born with physical mutations. If you know otherwise, please feel free to correct me! Thanks.]

tm prompts, the past

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