Sep 29, 2006 17:30
This is part of Clinton's rant that isn't getting into the soundbites for some reason:
"I had battle plans drawn to go into Afghanistan, overthrow the Taliban and launch a full scale attack/search for Bin Laden. But we needed basing rights in Uzbekistan which we got after 9/11. The CIA and the FBI refused to certify that Bin Laden was responsible while I was there. They refused to certify, so that meant I would have had to send a few hundred special forces in and helicopter refuels at night."
Now I am hearing more and more about Bob Woodward's new book saying that the war was clumsy and that Rumsfeld was frustrated with the Pentagon. These to bits combined are starting to turn my view on how this war has been handled. Assuming that Clinton was telling the truth, it serves to reinforce the idea that one of the biggest problems with the way our government works is the growing Bureaucracy. We seem to have this idea that all of that magically went away after 9/11. I have my doubts.
There are two situations here in America where we can see the way government is working. One is in New York, and the other is in New Orleans. Both were tragic losses of lives. Both were national emergencies. But both have been met with a seemingly impenetrable wall of corruption bureaucracy. Now take Ground Zero, or take New Orleans multiply the size by A (A= whatever you would need to multiply it by to get the right size) and ad a bunch of angry people with guns and bombs.
Welcome to Iraq.
Nobody is this stupid. Nobody. At least I hope that nobody is this stupid. And even if someone was, I certainly hope they are not the people who are running this nation. But perhaps this is not stupidity. Perhaps it's bureaucracy. Maybe Bush cannot do what he needs to do to get the job that he wants to get done... done. So why not come out and say it? The PR factor of this Administration is astounding. Somehow it would seem weak to say that this motherfucker right here won't sign the paper saying I can get Bin Laden. But these guys got around torture. This just gives you some idea of how powerful this wall, should it exist, may turn out to be. I just hope I'm right. For all of our sakes. The alternative is stupidity.