A cause for celebration.

Jun 08, 2006 12:51

This is a glorious day! Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead! This is not a political issue, unless you love terrorism for some reason. I've got a good idea though. The natural windpipe in the throat can be connected nicely to plumbing. Then all you do is tilt his head back and open his mouth, and you have a nice toilet for our troops.

I'd like to address the Democrats:
There is a historical misconception about Howard Dean. It is that he lost his chance at becoming President because of a comment he made. That comment of course was "And then we're going to Washington D.C. to take back the White House. YA GOD DAMN JEWS!" (It is usually edited.) But this isn't the case. You see, the reason he made the speech was because he gave up Iowa to focus on New Hampshire, and then, after a long period of leading off, lost to Kerry.
So why?
I believe it was because of another comment he made, when we caught a man named Saddam Hussein. He said that the world is no better off. This was a perfectly reasonable argument. It just wasn't the time to say it. The capture of Hussein was undoubtedly a good thing, regardless of which President was responsible for it. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead. This is good news. Treat it as such. There is an important election coming up.
Don't fuck it up.
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