Feb 28, 2007 17:48
I slept until nearly 2 PM. Part of this is due to staying up too late from all the caffeine in the tea. Needed more whiskey in it, I guess. I missed my early classes, so I skipped my afternoon class. Drank some lemony anti-cold drink stuff Cloud brought me. It seems to have helped. He brought me medicine and cough drops too. I'm still not 100%, but I'm feeling better now than I did at around 9 PM. Maybe I can go to class tomorrow. Thursdays means watching Joachim break things. Could be fun.
Cloud? I still say I owe you. How's a prime rib dinner sound? No, I'm not cooking it. I'll take you out.
Adam needs to stop giving me advice. He's a computer, what does he know about being sick? STFU, Adam.