Feb 27, 2007 16:35
What the hell. My head is going to explode. I've run out of tissues. I'm cold but sweaty but....ugh.
Pain I get. Hunger, thirst, even menstrual-related things I understand. Sleep dep is known to me, even a berserker rage is. But this? How can you people stand it? Why don't you want to kill yourselves every time you get sick?
This is awful. My imagination is uplaying things, and I imagine this is what dying is like. Even the parasitic invasion I had a few months ago wasn't like this...that was just pain.
Hey fellow people that are in Guns, tell me what I missed? Balthier, I'll need those history notes from you after all. Joachim, sorry. I'll come to watch you tear apart the wrestling equipment when I'm better.