hiii~ ♥ back from a four-day vacation, which somehow magically culminated in MORE WORK. so, sorry for lack of replies and everything else... will be catching up later today, when i'm on the good connection.
indirectly tagged by
mochaholic. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE (even if you had to point it out to me XD;;)
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged. You can't tag a person who has tagged you. Since you can't re-tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can read the answers!
01. i like my coffee black. however, because of stomach problems, i can't take my coffee black.
02. i find it harder to fit in than to stand out. i think of it as a challenge, and i think of it as fun.
03. i'm one of the few people i know who aren't too fond of chocolate. or sweets in general. although i like mint chocolate!
04. and i looooove strawberry. if i HAVE to have sweets, i usually go for fruit-flavored.
05. cheese, however, is the stuff of life.
06. i have zero confidence in my ability to play music solo in front of a crowd. i still love playing when no one's around to listen, though. <-- is own private rock star
07. i have a terrible memory, but everybody knows that already. what everybody doesn't know is that sometimes it gets so bad i fear i'm losing my mind. then i remember i can never be crazier than the rest of the world, and i feel better.
08. i'd like to say i don't talk a lot IRL, but i actually do. i'm very expressive and i write and speak a great deal. AND THEN I FORGET WHAT I'VE SAID. which has produced disastrous and sometimes humorous results (usually disastrous).
09. peaches are my favorite fruits. online sources say this makes me a kind, compassionate, pure soul. i don't believe it, and i laugh in the face of "pure."
10. it's hard for me to shut up or keep still, or at least not adopt an obnoxiously positive attitude, when people tell me their problems. which is not to say i can't do it. it's just hard.
mithas, who doesn't have a comp right now, but CAN'T ESCAPE BEING TAGGED JUST BECAUSE OF THAT. also my whole flist, because i want to know more about you lovely people ♥
and just so this post is somewhat reborn-related, have a few vacation photos.
mukuro's territory.
mukuro's territory 2.
hibari's territory.
ryouhei's territory.
would have included pictures of yamamoto, gokudera and lambo's territories, but it's hard to take pictures of lightning/rain.
it did rain like a bitch while i was away, though, which prompted
this text convo with
nonartisan :3
speaking of
aggy-chu gave me white chuck taylors as an early birthday gift. the left foot had a pink hibird that she drew herself ♥♥
and the right foot had a blue cloud (hibari~~). now i approach gokudera's fashion awareness :D although seriously, how DO you make white belts look good?
sorry for the poor quality of those last two - i don't have the original pics and i had to crop out and resize from already resized photos. might fix this in future.
i miss you aggy! hope you get your comp back soon (hugs)