May 10, 2013 19:02
Water is still coming in my basement. Now I suspect that dorking around with the downspout has made it leak at the top where it connects to the gutter.
I went out and moved my compost around a bit. I water it. I moved my potato bin to where the tail end of the drip hose will water it. Tomorrow, if it doesn't rain, I have to move the leaves, etc. that were in it. its just a 3 foot cube made out of fence wire. Supposedly, you just add brown leaves, straw and so forth until its full and you should get a bazillion potatoes. Last year, this did not work. Last chance for this thing.
Lulu has been very clingy ever since she nearly died last November. So bad that if I went to the store she would cry the whole time I was gone. Obviously, this drives Matt nuts. On some good days, we put her outside with Meatball and tell her to be a real dog.
So she dug 3 tiny holes, covered herself in mud, and was picking the feathers off a dead bird when I went out to get her. Yup, that's as real as dogs get. With Chihuahua dog holes, you can kick the dirt back in with one toe. Its not like when Labs dig a hole and you can bury your car in the hole.
I do talk to our vet about the house sparrows that our dog(s) kill and mutilate whenever we go, and they get wormed every month. I wonder if Lulu actually killed it or if Meatball gave it to her. He's either part lab or part Setter. and he lets Lulu walk all over him. He would completely give her his dead bird.
And the coming back in the house. I'm outside more now and if I go near the door she wants in. I want a tool, she follows me in. Drink of water, she wants in. She hasn't figured out that dogs should be outside at times, regardless of the Chihuahua mafia living behind us being outside for hours at a time.
I keep telling her if those Chihuahuas can be outside for several hours at a time, she can too. She does not agree every day, but she does agree occasionally, so I'm hoping she will get better about this and get some confidence.
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