Oct 24, 2005 15:58
what it is yo:
last week, i broke tooth. no doubt. i broke a tooth on a soy nut to be precise. anyway, i had to go get that fixed up right quick, so i went to hermitage on friday. i stayed in hermitage until sunday, with a brief jaunt to robinson to work at the EB.
i'm sorry i didn't get to see anyone while i was there. i really didn't do much of anything outside family stuff. i'm a lame, i know.
yesterday, when i was floorsetting at the EB, i was getting that homesick/state college sick/younger days nostalgia that i get this time of year. i didn't have much time to think about it though. there's not much i can do about any of that now.
i taught all day today because my teacher was absent. i am so tired, but i did get many compliments on my teaching from the people who walked in and the sub. good sheit. i also administered this quiz:
1. how old are you?
2. who is your favorite teacher?
3. what color shirt are you wearing?
4. who is mike jones?
5. what is the next holiday?
i did it to settle the children down upon their arrival to my classroom. i also did it to bust those who stroll into class 3 minutes late. buuuuuuurn.
but enough about teaching
this weekend i have homecoming. no, not PSU homecoming, high school homecoming. i'm planning on looking pimp yet authoritative. totally achievable.
then, it's halloween. we will be going out to celebrate at some point.
then, i have to get through next week, and after that, PENN STATE.
PS. the dogs who live next to me sound as though they are killing a human...make that a flock of humans.