Nabbed from aeowynswan

Feb 12, 2008 09:51

A is for age:] 23
B is for beer of choice:] Got tasty microbrew?
C is for career:] Veterinary med
D is for favorite Drink:] Gin and tonic. Simple and fresh.
E is for essential item you use everyday:] Shower. Need shower.
F is for favorite song at the moment:] A Little Priest - Sweeny Todd
G is for favorite game]: Munchkin: Bites
H is for hometown]: Woodburn
I is for instruments you play:] Umm... my vocal chords?
J is for favorite juice?] Apple cider.
K is for kids?:] Three furkids.
L is for Laguna Beach:] WTF?
M is for marriage:] LOL, not until it's legal.
N is for name :] Which one do you want?
O is for overnight hospital stays:] Only neonatally.
P is for phobias:] Claustrophobia... mostly of people and not spaces though.
Q is for quote:] "The best mirror is an old friend."
R is for regret:] Hmmm... not that I'd discuss in a public entry.
S is for self confidence:] ? Erm, I have it.... Do you want some?
T is for time you wake up:] Around 6.
U is for underwear:] Black. That's all you get.
V is for vegetable you love:] Tons.
W is for worst habit:] Self deprecation (and yes, I still have self confidence).
X is for x-rays you've had:] Just dental.
Y is for yummy food you make:] Anything you want, really...
Z is for zodiac sign:] Rat, Sagittarius.
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