By now, I'm pretty Sure NBC has a hit out for me

Mar 14, 2010 21:25

I blame this entirely on Amy. Ever since she convinced me putting jell-o in the boys shower-head was a good idea, she's had a bad influence on me. (true story)

I'm walking home, discussing wedding plans for said lassie, when I notice a local NBC truck outside an apartment complex near my house. Whatever bit story they were doing, they were either on break or had not started yet because the camera man was lounging and the ancholady was chatting it up with the residence.

I know it's been over a month, and I know I should just get on with my crappy life, but dammit! I miss me my Conan something aweful. So, as I walk by I say "Hey, bring back Conan!"

I expected either snide looks or snorts of discern, what I didn't expect was the anchorlady to say, "Hey, I liked Conan too!"

To which I responded, "Yeah, Leno bites."

And promptly went home. I'm not entirely sure the camera man didn't get it on video. Who knows? I might be jumped one day and an NBC peacock branded into my forehead for the stuff I've done so far.

comedy, life

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