A Day of Complete and Utter Nothingness

Jul 08, 2008 20:50

I quite enjoy days where I just get to sleep until whenever.
That was today. I slept until like three, checked my email, attempted to make some icons, watched That 70's Show, and ate pizza. Now I'm here.

So, what's up with me? Nothing. Can't you tell by my oh-so-productive day?

I have to go to the doctor's tomorrow. I think that's what my mom said. Tomorrow. I was supposed to go do something I'd actually enjoy, but my mom wants to get me checked out. Lately I've had some pretty bad sleeping problems. Like I can't sleep at all. That's why I slept until three today. Because I was up until 5:30am last night. Sucks. I really don't know what the doctor's gonna even do but what do I know?


Have you ever been doing something for a while without realizing it then stop and it feels weird? Then try to do it again and it's not the same because you're conscious of it this time? Yeah. I was just kinda bopping my foot without thinking about it and then I stopped and it was like "Woah. Where'd that feeling go?" So then I tried to do it again and it felt weird. So now my legs are just folded up.

I'm not crazy.

I'm just kinda tired.

Johnny has no guide, Johnny wants to hide, how can you soar if you're nailed to the flooooooooor? Johnny can't decideeeeeee.

Betcha can't guess what I'm listening to.

I heart Raul Esparza, by the way. Originally I only liked him because he was in tick, tick...BOOM! but then I looked him up (because that's what I do) and now I'm completely obsessed with the man. But yeah. I mostly love him for tick, tick...BOOM! which has claimed part of my heart. God. I heart Jonathan Larson too :]

Ah. Song's over. Now it's...See Her Smile. I love this song too :D

So whatamidoing? Chillin. Just chillin. I'm just sitting at the computer desk in a sweatshirt and my plaid pants all comfy :] And my speakers are busted until tomorrow when we get new ones so I'm listening to my iPod. Which is actually kinda better then iTunes for me. Because my computer is located in the inconvenient spot of the living room. Right next to the tv. So yeah. With my iPod I can block everything out and just concentrate on the music.

Huh. That sounds oddly deep. I'm not feeling deep. Hm. Maybe when I don't get enough sleep I become wise. If that's the case, why doesn't it work at school? These are the questions that haunt me.
Whatelseamidoing? Nothing. Seriously. I don't even have another window open on the computer. Well. I have my email, but I haven't gotten a new email in a while besides spam. So I could close that if I wanted to. Eh. See Her Smile was over a while ago. If you're wondering. Which you're not. But who cares. This is the Padfoot show.
And now the Padfoot show's over because Padfoot is very tired and isn't thinking coherently at the moment.

Ta ta for now.

tick tick boom, raul esparza

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