Attencion, yo, attention

Jul 06, 2008 20:20

No special need for 
this, really. I just like posting to my journal. So yeah. Hola! Now that I've gained your attention, I will proceed to bore you.

I just got back from my grandmother's apartment. Well not just. I've been back for a while. At least two hours. I had McDonalds! I like McDonalds. And I don't get it a lot. Because I never have money. And my mom's all "I would, but I like sitting around watching TV all day!" So yeah. We were in the car and we were coming up to the McDonalds and I was like frantically counting my money and I was like "YO! YO Y-Y-Y-YO! I gots money!" And my mom was all STOPTHECAR. And she got me McDonalds. With my money. So technically I got myself McDonalds. So thank you self. McDonalds is good.

Anyway, yeah. I spent the weekend at my grandmother's apartment with my cousin. It isn't that far from my place, my whole family basically lives in Hoboken (or somewhere else in Jersey), but my parents went somewhere for the weekend and I didn't feel like spending the whole weekend alone so I went with my cousin Kerry to my grandma's.

Yeah, I spent the Fourth of July watching drunk people stagger home XD

It was raining on Friday unfortunately, so we went to eat at Biggie's and stuff, then we walked back. This was all before it started raining though. So, we walked back to the apartment and went inside and then it started raining. Kerry wanted to go to watch the fireworks but we were all too lazy so we watched them on tv.

Yeah. Then my grandma and Kerry went to bed soon after leaving me to write a bunch of random drabbles and watch That 70's Show, Will and Grace, Fresh Prince, Friends and a bunch of other tv shows.

Saturday morning. We did...nothing the whole day, actually. There was a Harry Potter marathon the whole weekend on ABC Family so we watched Sorcerer's Stone to Prisoner of Azkaban from 2:30pm to ll:42pm. It was on and off reading/watching the movies. Kerry was reading something by Nora...something. I don't know. And I was reading Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. I finished it in a whole day. It was really good, by the way. Go read it. Then watch the movie. They're both good.

Yeah, so Saturday=lazy.

Today? Well, we woke up and Kerry was helping my grandma do some shit that I didn't understand. Something about her old house. Yeah, Kerry's like 23 or something. Incase you were wondering. I'm the younger one. Haha. So then, we went to Dunkin Donuts and they had coffee and some sandwichey stuff and I had water and a bagel. I wanted a dougnut, but the bagel was calling me. I swear.

Hey! It's an Incredible Hulk commerical!

Anyone seen that? The new one? It was really good. I dunno. I like superheroes :D They're friggin great. I'm such a dork. I know more about superheroes then anyone wants to know. Oh, since we're recommending movies now, GO SEE HANCOCK. Hancock was fucking awesome. Like seriously. And Will Smith is just about the coolest man on earth. Besides Adam Pascal and Lin-Manuel Miranda. But Will Smith's up there. He's amazing, especially in Hancock. Go see it. It's great.

ANYWAY. Back to the weekend. Um, yeah. So we went to Dunkin Donuts and we walked around Hoboken and my grandma showed us all these places where she grew up. I mean, I've already seen them because I live there and everything, but like, dude, it's cool to know the stories behind them. For my family, at least. And after we did that, we went back to the apartment and my mom picked us up. Drove Kerry home. Now I'm home. At the computer.

Yeah, I can't describe things well. But overall it was a great weekend. I had fun. And I just got done watching Goblet of Fire on ABC Family. It's over. Credits. Advertising for That 70's Show. Which is coming to ABC, by the way. And if you don't watch it, you should.

God, I'm just advertising things all over the place, huh? They should pay me for recommending their stuff.

harry potter, mcdonalds

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