I'm Wayne and I'll gay you up and gay you out.

Sep 18, 2008 20:38

So...Tuesday. In short? Amazing. Seriously. I don't know what else to say about it. I mean, I do, but I don't have another word to describe it. It was awesome. I was with all my favorite people, I met a bunch of my favorite people, it was just an awesome day overall.

You're probably wondering, um, dude, what? You went to school right? No no no no. Silllllllyyyyy reader. I WENT TO AN IN THE HEIGHTS CD SIGNING.

I know girls, I know. Oh April, don't cry. Lin wouldn't have liked you anyway. Ollie, I would adress you, but you're not facing me. I think Ollie's being a jealouspants.

Okay okay okay, yes. I went to an In The Heights CD signing :D It was amazing. I found a few videos from it on YouTube, so you can watch a little of Benny's Dispatch, It Won't Be Long Now and Lin talking :D So I'll post them at the end along with some pictures. But first, a long ass review of the day.

I guess I should start allllllllllll the way from the beginning beginning. Like, Monday night beginning.

Okay, so, I headed over to Evel Jic's. We watched Big Brother because Amanda hadn't seen it yet. Not like she really watches it anyway, but that's okay. Everyone needs to see the talk show and Dan dressed as Renny. She didn't laugh. Which I will never understand. But whatever.

ANYWAY. Amanda decided to come over off her own couch and "sit" by me and Evel Jic. So she comes over and like, falls asleep in our space! Not nice, I know. It forced us to relocate. Me to the floor, Evel Jic to Amanda's abandoned couch. We went to sleep quite early that night. Not as early as Amanda, but before midnight. Which is quite early.

SKIP TO THE NEXT MORNING! We were woken up at like 5:41am. Or at least that's when Amanda decided to pull the blankets off me. So yeah. Me, Amanda, and Evel Jic chilled in the living room and watched Dan and Memphis on After Dark that we had missed last night because we fell asleep so early. IT WAS THEIR LAST NIGHT TOGETHER! HOWEVER! They're adorable :D I wish they could have their own tv show. Like Bobby and Paul. ANYWAY. Yeah, then Evel Jic went up to shower and me and Amanda were left to watch the Renegades do their whole Big Brother olympics thing.

I had showered the night before, by the way. I would never meet the cast of In The Heights all gross.

FAST FORWARD A LITTLE BIT. So Reenie asked me to call my mom and ask her what time she would be over. So I did. And my mom sounded really, really, really deathly ill. And I was like "Where are you? Are you okay?" And she was like "*sickness* No, I'm sick. But I'll be there." And we argued for a minute over the time and how she needed to be there soon and stuff and then I hung up and her and Reenie talked. Well, it was then that we found out that: We would be delayed because of my mother being sick.

Naturally, I was embarassed and upset. Like, come on, if you're gonna take forever, don't come at all, seriously! And like, we were gonna be late. There were already gonna be people at Barnes and Noble and we're gonna end up being like last in line and it's gonna be all my
mom's fault. I was more then a little pissed.

So after watching the stimulating process of watching Amanda and Evel Jic do their hair, Annie got there at around 7:30ish. She was wearing her Pikachu hat, jeans, red Chucks, and a...red shirt, I think? I'm not sure. I need to check on of the pictures, but Photobucket's being slow. I don't know why I included what she was wearing, by the way. I was told to be detailed though. ANYWAY. Mom's still not there. We're dressed and shit and we're just sitting around watching Dan and Memphis and waiting for my mom. We did have some fun conversation though. During that time, I mean. Like, we talked about how if Annie ever went on Big Brother she'd wear her Pikachu hat and they would probably blur out Pikachu because they don't have the rights for Pokemon and stuff. And we talked about buying Memphis's shorts off EBay if we had money. And Memphis was talking about a fan from Wisconsin and Annie was like "I wanna be her!" So yeah. Annie's like Vern from Wisconsin now. And she said Memphis was nice. So yay!

Some time after that, my mom arrived! Yays all around. Me and Annie also switched sweatshirts. I wore her purple one and she wore my striped one. That's insignificant, but I like Annie's jacket. Annie, I like your jacket. So yeah, then we got into the car and started driving.

I insisted we play a few games on the way there. We played "Who out of our friends do you think _______?" I just came up with that title, by the way. And we played Word Association. Which Jess sucks at. And she got all mad at me for not including her in the first round. Even though I was only playing with Annie and everyone else was just deciding to comment on her thoughts and stuff. But I don't know, I guess I had to tell Jess that she was like, invited to play or something. But that's okay.

So then we BOARD THE TRAIN! And we're just chilling in our seats and stuff and eating our bagels and we had some fun conversation. I don't remember much from the first train. When we switched trains, that's when it got fun. We were like the only ones on it and me, Evel Jic, Amanda, and Mel sat in one four seat thing and my mom and Reenie sat in a two seat thing right near us and Jess and Annie each sat in a seat thing and that was a lot of fun. I can't remember everything that happened, so I'll give you a few highlights from the conversation.

- Every time the voice came over the loudspeaker telling everyone on the train where the next stop was, we would all go "Thank you Big Brother."

- Evel Jic's arm started hurting and she and Annie were talking about a story they were reading in school and how at the end the dude had a heart attack after having pain in his arm and Evel Jic's like poking her arm and she's like "I think I injected myself with heart attack."

- Somehow, we got into a conversation about what our first lines would be if we went into the Big Brother house. We came up with so many. That explains the title of this post. We also got into talking about what this chick Amy's would be and for some reason that I'm still unsure of, Mel starts going "She bangs, she bangs..." Like, singing it. And, being me, I said the first thing that popped into my head which was: "I'm Amy and she bangs, she bangs."

- Reenie asked Evel Jic who would play her if she ever had a movie and we start suggesting all these people. Like Karen and Rosario Dawson. And Evel Jic's like "No, they're too pretty. Someone else should play me. Like...Jack Black. Yeah, okay, I stand by Jack Black." And then we all came up with who would play us if we were to have movies. Anthony Rapp would play me, Shaq would play Amanda, Charlie Sheen would play Mel, Ronald McDonald would play Annie, and Jesse L. Martin would play Jessie. And then we came up with this insane idea where Jack Black, Anthony Rapp, Shaq, Charlie Sheen, Ronald McDonald, and Jesse L. Martin get on a train together. And we were talking about what they would say to each other. Annie's like, "I like burgers!" and I go, "I like being pale!" and the dude behind us goes "I like steak!"

- We saw a McDonald's out the window and Jessie's like "Annie look! It's your house!" And Evel Jic's like "I want McDonald's..." And I stopped listening for a few minutes when they all started talking about tacos and how McDonald's should start selling tacos so they could be McTacos and I was like "That sounds like something they'd say in Drake and Josh." And Evel Jic's like "THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING!" And we came up with this whole Drake and Josh scenario. View:
Drake: Hey Josh, you wanna come get some McTacos?
Drake: ...so do you wanna go to McTacos or what?
Drake:  ...so is that a yes on the McTacos?
Josh: ...okay.

- Mel started scaring people away from sitting by us XD That's all I have to say about that. Because it's hard to describe. Partly because I can't remember it all.

There was a lot more. Like me, Amanda, Mel and Evel Jic trying to sleep on each other and stuff. Some of it was silence. We talked about Dan and Memphis and Lin and the cast of In The Heights and people we knew and school and a bunch of other stuff. The train ride was bundles of fun :D

So when we get off, we're all kind of pissed off because we wanted to get there early and it's already like 12:00 or something and there were gonna be a bunch of people in line already and we were gonna be like, last. It's a key part of the day, so remember this.

Anyway, yeah, we get off and we go to eat and stuff and we sit in the Pizza Hut/Roy Rogers/Nathans place (it's so convieniant!) and my mom and Reenie go to get food for us. For the record, Amanda and Annie had already has stuff from Auntie Anne's. But me and Evel Jic got chicken and fries, Jess got pizza, and Mel got a hot dog. Or two. I can't remember. No, it was two because she didn't want the second one and was trying to give it to people. But after we had all come to a mutual agreement that hot dogs were gross no one wanted it.

ANYWAY AGAIN. There was that Gwen Stefani song Sweet Escape or whatever, playing and there was a fun video I took of Amanda and Evel Jic singing with a cameo from Annie. Annnnnnnnnd...there was a guy sitting next to us who took like, his whole life in a bag and fell over when he was trying to carry it out. Anddddddd...we saw mirrors that made us all skinny and I named them self esteem mirrors and Jess and Evel Jic are gonna get some for their room.

So then we all get our MetroCards and we take the subway and I was teasing Amanda about falling. Because she's one of those people who falls on the subway. Hehehe...yeah, I was like "Hey Amanda, do you need to sit or...?" and "Don't fall Amanda! Are you gonna be okay?" She slapped me and stuck her tounge out and made her CREEPY ASS FISH FACE. So I guess she got me back.

Kay, after that ride, we get off and we're standing there and Evel Jic's like "...where're we going?" And then everyone's like *shrug* And then Evel Jic's like "Hey, look, it's Barnes and Noble!" And Reenie's like "Is that the one?" And Evel Jic's like "Maybe, let's go in and look." Sure enough, when we get there, there's and In The Heights display in the window! And we go in and ask where the "event" as they called it was and they told us it was upstairs.

So we boogied on up the escalator and we get there and we see no one. Just a few lone shoppers and the people that work there. We're all like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?" and the dude tells us to line up in the Spanish dictionary aisle and Reenie's like "Are we the first ones here?" and dude says yes. So, naturally, we're all freaking out. We're the first ones in line. It was...nothing short of awesome. And we all sit down, all excited and whatnot. Jessie started filming but everyone told her to stop. I don't think she did for a while though. Then Mel pulled out spoons and everyone started playing. Not me, I didn't feel like learning a game.

So after a few minutes, a guy came over and he was in our ailse and he was looking at us and at the book and we were like "Are you here for the CD signing?" And he was like "No, I'm just looking for a book." Remember, we were in the Spanish dictionary section. and we were like "Oh, are we in your way?" and he was like "No, no! Not at all. All is good, all is good." he was really cool. He left though. We tried to help him find his book. Is it weird I remember the exact way he described it? It was blue with a plastic cover and I think it was Amanda who was like "So you can read it in the shower?". Hehehe. He walked away. I told him to have a good day.

Then after a while, there was this chick and this dude that came by and the chick apparently watched Big Brother because when Mel was like "You look like Dan from Big Brother!" she was like "Yeah, he does look like Dan, doesn't he?" So yeah. Nothing really special about them. We talked to them a bit. Not like, conversationy. Just a few words.

So we sat on the floor and talked and talked and tried to sleep and watched people come by with In The Heights stuff getting ready for it. And then, at some point, we all stood up and we were standing there talking and stuff and all of a sudden: There comes Robin.

I KNOW. I think it was Evel Jic who noticed him first and she was like "Oh my god! Robin!" And we all freak out and start screaming and we're like "HI ROBIN!" And he looks over at us and smiles really big and goes "Hi!" And he was really, really, really pretty and really, really, really happy. And my mom's like "They've been here since 8am!" because it was this big on-going joke that whenever people came we would be like "WE WERE FIRST. WE'VE BEEN HERE SINCE EIGHT AM HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?" Haha we're so obnoxious. Anyway, yeah, he was laughing and was like "Aw, thank you!" And he waved at us and went inside.

We flipped. We were standing there squealing and freaking out and hugging and I remember hugging Amanda like a million times and almost crying. I had tears in my eyes. It was insane.

After a little bit: There comes Mandy. And again, we're flipping out and squealing and waving and going "HI MANDY!" And she was waving and smiling and saying hi and stuff and the last thing I said before she went in was "YOU'RE SO PRETTY!" And she smiled and laughed and closed the door. Again, saying the first thing that came to my mind. Just for the record, Mandy and Robin? Yeah, they're even more beautiful in person. The whole cast is beautiful, actually.

So anyway, I think Jess filmed both of those exchanges. That's cool.

Anyway, not long after that, we see KAREN! And we start waving and calling out her name and saying hi and squealing and stuff and she looks at us and smiles and goes "Wassup?!" it was pretty amazing. She's gorgeous, by the way :D And yes, I am going to say that after everyone.

Then came...CHRIS! Again, we freaked out and he smiled and waved and went inside. The doors were glass and stuff and we could see through them and we watched Robin, Mandy, Karen, and Chris do stuff inside. OH! And Alex was there too! :D Yay! Yeah, so they were having a lot of fun and talking and hugging and stuff and it was really cool just like, watching them chill with each other and sit in the seats we would all soon be sitting in.

Then we got yelled at by a dude that worked there. :P He said we were being too loud and we had to start whispering. But even that was all okay.

And we all were standing there, me, Evel Jic, Annie, Jess, Mel, Amanda, Reenie, and my mom, talking about what it was gonna be like going in there and how awesome it would be when Lin and Seth and Andrea and Janet and everyone showed up and I know that when my friends read this they're gonna roll their eyes, but when everyone was talking and stuff and I looked up and I saw Lin. And I couldn't even think. I just started blurting out the first thing that came to my mind which was, of course, screaming out: "LIN! LIN! LIN! LIN!" and pointing insanely. And then everyone else started freaking out too and he turned around and he looked kind of surprised that we were all freaking out so much and stuff and he smiled and mouthed a "hi" and went inside where he, Robin, Chris, Mandy and Karen proceeded to be adorable.

Then we listened to the soundcheck which was amazing. Seriously, they were all so cute and joking around and stuff. And I think Robin wants to be Nina because he was like jumping up and down and waving at Mandy when she was singing When You're Home with Chris and she handed him the mic and he sang one of her lines. It was hilarious. And Karen and Lin like, covered their ears and they all started laughing and hugging and stuff and it was so adorable. Oh my god, I love them.

And when Karen was doing It Won't Be Long Now, Lin was bothering her and stuff. Hehehe. And Lin ate a sandwich. Not at the same time, but again, I'm supposed to be detailed.

Then, I think after that, Karen and Robin came out and we waved a little less insanely since we had had time to calm down. And Evel Jic made Robin laugh and we told him he was gonna be our best friend since we had seen him so much already and he and Karen walked away. Then when they came back, we were even more chilled out because that was like the third time. And then Chris came out, but he was on the phone so he couldn't hear us. That's okay. He looked pretty :D

So after a bit, Andrea showed up and since we were told to be quiet, we had to quietly whisper/shout her name and she smiled and waved. At that point, I was ready for Seth to come out of no where and I was flipping out when he wasn't there. OH! And we saw Janet, but at first we didn't know it was Janet because she was going up the escalator and we were wondering where she was going. We figured coffee. We figured right. So yeah! We saw Janet and we quietly called her name and smiled big and laughed and stuff and she smiled and waved back.

So they're calling us in and Seth, P-Lo, Olga and Carlos weren't there yet. I was kind of upset because Seth is my love and he wasn't there and at that point I was very convinced he wasn't coming. But I was still okay, because, come on, it was amazing and it hadn't even started. Anyway, when we went in, we grabbed the first row which was fucking awesome because the cast had been sitting there and hello. It was the first row. First time I've ever been in the first row of anything important ever. So yeah, I sat in the middle of Jess and Mel. Jess was on the end (Mandy's chair) and me and Mel were in the seats that Robin had been sititng in which was awesome. And Reenie and Evel Jic were chilling in Lin's seats. Here's a seating chart because I need you to VISUALIZE THE AWESOME.

I KNOW. How's that for detail?!

OH RIGHT! I didn't mention, when Chris came back after leaving, he came back with his wife and son. His son is sosososososososo cute. He's all little and  his name's C.J. And his wife is really really really nice :D She came out from behind the curtain where the cast was waiting and she was walking to her seat in the front row and we were like "Hi!" And she smiled and waved at us and she took C.J.'s hand and was like "Wave to everybody!" Which was so cute. And I think it was Annie that was like "What's his name?" And she was like "C.J. Little C.J." And they said bye and went to their seat.

So then (much to my happiness) SETH SHOWS UP! And everyone's like "WOOHOOOOOOO!" and he smiles and waves and is all "Peaceeee." Except he didn't say it. He was all

Yeah. And then he walked behind the magic curtain. And we waited and a bald dude came out on stage and told us about the show and introduced all the actors and then Lin came on! Oh by the way, Olga, Carlos and P-Lo snuck in I guess because they were there at that point :D When bald, Barnes and Noble dude was talking, I was, of course, staring at the cast. I happened to be looking at Lin and, even though no one but Jess believed me, Lin winked at me. I swear to god. I was looking at him, and we made eye contact, and I smiled really big (with my teeth and everything!) and he winked at me and then looked back up at the stage.

Then Lin came on and he was really, really adorable and I can't even begin to describe the insane cuteness, but I'll paint a picture for you: (I stole this from Annie') "It was REALLY close! And you know what? Lin is really cute. Like, I already knew that from pictures and videos and friends' opinions. But real life and upclose, you just want to give him a very big hug and never let go." Hope you cane imagine that. He was really adorable. One thing I was told to mention though, was when Lin was talking, he was talking about how this was his Barnes and Noble and how he went there whenever he can't make it to his apartment to use the bathroom. And someone cheered and he looked at them and went "Yes! Bathrooms!" in his amazing Lin voice. To agree with Evel Jic, I could listen to him talk all day. And I'm not one of those crazy fan people either. He just has a really nice speaking voice and he describes things well and I like the way he phrases things. It's amazing. You seriously should try listening to that man talk someday. It's an experience everyone in the world should do. Seriously.

So yeah, after that, Chris and Mandy came on and did Benny's Dispatch which was...nothing short of fantastic. Like they are right there singing and you can hear them perfectly and see their expressions clearly and it's amazing and awesome and that's something everyone should do too. So when they finished, Lin came back on and introduced he, Karen, and Robin singing It Won't Be Long Now and that was just fuh-eerce. Karen's amazingggggggggggg. And once again, Lin singing is an experience I will never forget. And he and Robin are sososososo cute. And he held out the mic on "No pare sigue, sigue!" and "FREAKAY FREAKAY". So that was awesome. And then Lin came and spoke again and re-introduced Mandy and Chris doing When You're Home. And even though they cut Mandy's big solo, it was still awesome. Mandy's voice is just...wow. Aghh. I can't even begin to describe.

So then after that, they brought everyone up row by row to meet the cast and get your CD's signed and everything and they were playing the soundtrack and we were singing and me and Jess happened to look over at Mandy and we waved at her and she smiled and waved back which was so awesome! Oh, and when Chris got off the stage, he was standing by Jess and she was like "Hi Chris!" And he was like "Hi sweetie!" Which was like, the cutest thing ever.

So they call us up and we're like freaking out. Blah blah blah, line passing. So the first one sitting was Karen and I was just blurting out everything that came to mind and I was like "Hi Karen!" And I handed her my CD (which, by the way, we all bought there, because we all have burned copies) and she was like "Hi!" And she smiled and took my CD and I was just like "You're really amazing! I love you! And you're really pretty!" And she was laughing a lot and smiling and she said thank you and I was pretty proud to have made her laugh.

Next to her was Lin and I was like "Hey Lin!" And he was like "Hey!" And I was like "You're really pretty too!" And he looked surprised for a second then he smiled and thanked me and laughed. Next to him was Olga and I was really, really, really happy at that point and not even thinking and I was just like "Hi Olga! How're you?" And she was like "I'm great! How're you?" And I was like "I'm awesome!" And then I was like "You're really pretty!" And she laughed and smiled and thanked me. And then next to her was P-Lo and I was like "Hey! How're you?" and she said good and I said awesome and told her she was amazing and pretty too and she laughed.

Now let me just say this now: Seth is my love, like I said. I love him to death and I couldn't even form words when I saw him. So I was just like "Hi Seth!" in a really high voice and he said hi and smiled back and then I was like "You're pretty!" And next to Seth was Chris, who had been talking to Jess or Mel and he happened to have heard this exchange and found it hilarious. He started laughing hysterically and he raised his arms above his head and went "I LOVE MY JOB!" and then he's like "Seth, you are so pretty!" And then Evel Jic was like "You're pretty too Chris!" and he was kinda like "Pssh yeah." and then Carlos like leaned over and said something to him and Chris nodded enthusiastically and went "Yeah! That just happened!"

I can't even remember what I said to Chris after that XD And like right after that, Mandy called Jess pretty :D So yeah, moving on past Chris and Seth, I went over to Mandy and she smiled really, really big and was like "Hi!" And I was like "Hi Mandy! You're beautiful! And amazing!" And she had this really sincere look on her face and she smiled and was like "Thank you so much!" And then I think Annie pointed to Amanda and was like "She put your name on her pants!" Because like, Amanda has these shorts she decorated and wrote "I belive in Chris Jackson." on. But Chris was signing a CD or something and I think Mandy thought they were talking to her and looked a little confused for a second before smiling really big.

Anyway yeah, then I moved onto Carlos and he smiled and signed my CD and I was like "Hey Carlos! You're awesome!" And he thanked me and smiled again. Then came Robin! And I was like "Hi Robin! You're awesome! And pretty!" And at that point my train of thought had been fried for a while and I was just rambling and stuff. But Robin was really happy and he laughed and smiled at me and then Evel Jic was like "Robin, you're like our best friend now." And I can't remember what he said but I remember him laughing. He seemed to think we were funny that day, which is always cool.

Next to Robin was Janet and I told her I loved her hair and she thanked me and I think I said something else but I can't remember. And last was Andrea and I told her I loved her and she laughed and thanked me. And someone was like "We skipped school to come here!" And she was like in awe. She was like "Really?" And she was asking us where school was and was really interested. That was awesome too.

So then we all get off line and the first thing I remember hearing was Jess going "I like this song." And then I was ambushed by my friends and we all started looking at our CDs and then Evel Jic was like "Did you see what Chris wrote on Seth's name thing?" And I was like "No." And she was like "He leaned over and wrote "You are so pretty!" on it." And I was like amazed. So that was a really cool moment for me. Also a little weird. But more amazing then anything.

Then we got ushered out by a dude that worked there and we went down the escalator and we were all pretty ecstatic and we saw our friends who we were in line with and Mel saw a Stephen Colbert bag and then we went outside. So we were standing there because we all wanted to say bye and Reenie wanted her journal signed. There had been an only-CD's rule that had been enforced. So yeah, we're standing out there by the display and watching the front door and not a few minutes later, Alex comes out. And he's on the phone and we're all like "Bye Alex!" And he looked at us and got all happy and waved and walked away.

Soon after, Carlos came out and he was looking in our general direction and I was looking at him because I wasn't sure if it was him or not and I think it was Mel who was like "Hi Carlos!" and he waved and smiled and I told him he had a nice jacket and he smiled again and walked away too. I think he was on the phone too, but don't quote me on it.

Then I think Mandy, Seth, and P-Lo came out and we all waved to them and I was like, all loud, "HI SETH!" and he smiled at me and the three of them walked away. BUT NOT BEFORE Seth put his hand on Mandy's lower back. Gasp!

Andrea and Janet were next and we waved to them and they smiled and waved back and we noticed them walking to this black SUV and me and Evel Jic were discussing it as they walked into it. And then we saw: Karen! On the other side of the street! Crazy right? I know. She was getting into the car we saw Andrea and Janet get into. She snuck out. We think Chris was with her too because we never saw him come out...

Anyway, after Andrea and Janet left Robin came out and we waved to him and then he stopped and started talking to one of the Barnes and Noble chicks and me and Evel Jic debated for a few seconds about whether or not we should go over to him and we voted yes. So me and her walked over and Evel Jic was like "Can we have hugs?" at the same time I was like "Are we bothering you?" and he was like "No!" and he hugged us and then we saw him looking around Evel Jic's like "The car's over there." And she pointed toward the SUV. And I started laughing because, come on, we sounded like stalkers. But yeah, he looked and was like "Oh really?" And I was like "We're not stalking you." And he laughed and was like "I know." And then me and Evel Jic walked away and Annie, Jess, Amanda and Mel hugged him.

Then my mom took a picture with me and him :D And everyone was all like "GRR WHY DID YOU GET TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH HIM?" and I was like "...dudes, you could've come with me." So that was cool.

So then he walked away and then Lin and Olga came out and we waved at them and they waved back. And me and Evel Jic were ready to go and ask him for hugs but he looked like he was going somewhere and all of us were pretty star-struck and couldn't make it there. But Reenie was kind of upset that she didn't get her journal signed. So my mom goes "You want your journal signed? Gimme it." And she takes it and starts chasing Lin down the street XD She got it signed! And it was hilarious and amazing.

Then we walked away and went to eat ice cream (not me, I'm not a big fan of ice cream) and we sat down and talked for a bit about Amy (we talked about her a lot that day didn't we?). And me and Evel Jic stood up and demonstrated where exactly Seth's hand was on Mandy's back. I was Mandy. Then we discussed the possibility of Seth and Mandy being together secretly but not telling anyone. Then a scary guy came over and glared at us and yelled at Mel and my mom for sitting on the wall. But he didn't really yell. He turned the sign around and was like "Excuse me, what does this say?" instead of just going like "Hey, get off." So he was a bit of a jerk.

Then...oh yeah, we went back to Hoboken and while we were walking we saw Hey You. I don't know who he is, but he's cool and he said that we're all family, so I guess I do know him. He was fun. He was talking to Evel Jic and Mel and Reenie and was like "How's your cousin who always goes "Stop it, stop it, stop it"?" And everyone standing there knew he was talking about Neek all at once and it was pretty hilarious.

Then we started walking to Evel Jic, Mel, and Jess's Abuela's apartment. While we were walking, I put my hand on Evel Jic's back and went "Who am I?" And she left and went, "Only Seth's hand was lower."and I was like "My hand doesn't go any lower then that." and Jess found this hysterical. Then we were stopped by an old lady. And Annie and Mel were walking in front and she looked at them and was like "Excuse me, boys?" And they were like "...we're girls." and she was like "Oh. Well, can you help me get this out of my car?" and it was so odd. And the whole time I was just like "How did she even get it in there?" And then Evel Jic turns to me and whispers "It's Jesus undercover."

After a while, the dresser wasn't moving and my mom and Reenie had even joined in on this. So the old lady called out for a guy with a golf club to come help and he nodded and started whistling as he made his way over. And that is went Dresser was born. It's our one act musical about a dresser stuck in a car. It's a true story. Come see it when we make progress XD

I don't think the old lady ever got her dresser out of her car. Poor old lady.

So then we got to the apartment and we chilled there and I think we saw the Wicked tickets, but I might've dreamed that. And then their dad came and picked us up and before leaving Annie was like "Adios!" Which was so adorably funny. Haha I love you Annie.

Evel Jic bothered me alllllllll the way home. Then I went home.

Amazing amazing amazing day.

Video time!
Lin talking.
Benny's Dispatch
It Won't Be Long Now

lin-manuel miranda, olga merediz, in the heights, dan, mandy gonzalez, renny, carlos gomez, memphis, mom, school, jesse l martin, janet dacal, mel, evel jic, seth stewart, neek, amanda, big brother, annie, p-lo, chris jackson, mcdonalds, anthony rapp, andrea burns, karen olivo, robin de jesus

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