My last official day of vegan eating in honor of Jenn's natal day. First, I want to post a link for those interested in a group called Farm Sanctuary that she has been heavily involved with over the years. Second-back track to dinner last night: was a good vamp on my usual stirfry.
Wok roasted brusell sprouts, red peppers, shallots, fennel, collard greens with a maple/tofu/black bean/chili sauce
w. a side of asparagus and string beans, onions and cumin
Desert: Was mildly derailed-I thought the ice cream I bought was almond based, it turns out it was just an almond ice cream. So Matt was the only one with a scoop topping the red plum/cherry hot crumble with rum sauce I made.
Breakfast today:
Flash back to yesterday-more Van's toaster waffles.
Whole carrot wrapped in nori with plum vinegar
cucumber given the same treatment
Red bell pepper in a chutney
plantain chips (so addicted) and cashews
Roasted chickpeas and seasoning, peppers, string beans and vegan apple sage sausage