Yes, I am obsessed....SHUT UP

Jul 26, 2009 23:38

I've been busy with BlazBlue that I stopped paying attention to my kpop groups. I finally saw all the performances for my groups (, pretty much 2ne1, FT Island, and Big Bang's Japan stuff).

This performance amuses me...mostly because of TOP at 1:24.

image Click to view

TOP always has the funniest facial expressions. Also, I always thought they were saying "Big Bang rocks tonight" not "...the night." Not really a big subs are helpful. :) I'm really liking Daesung's hairstyle. I ♥ TOP's voice during the "Big Bang rocks the night" part. He doesn't sing in the album version...or at least I can't hear it. I want a TOP solo album.

Pic spam time? Y/Y?

And of course:

It's not a TOP pic spam without it. ;)

Real Life Stuff:
Anyhow, I had lunch with my old boss about 2 weeks ago. She asked me to help her out with a small project on a "volunteer" basis. Like the sucker I am, I accepted.

So now I have to sift through about 9 years worth of photos to make a powerpoint presentation of the office through the years. It's kinda of fun though, seeing all the people I used to work with. I can't believe how many volunteers and interns we've had through the office. When I first started working there, getting 2 interns was cause for excitement, now they routinely get a lot more...I'd guess about at least 10 per quarter if not more. It's also fun to see pics of events and think, "Hey, I put together that event!"

I downloaded AutoPager and the stupid thing works on my brother's laptop for, but not on my laptop. :( I've restarted Firefox a million times and also restarted my still doesn't work for that site. So sad.

Korean dramas/Kpop related rambling:
I have just discovered the "KBS World" channel. I can now watch Korean dramas on my tv (they are subtitled!), in addition to my computer. This does not bode well for med school. lol

(5 mins later): After surfing around, I have discovered 2 more Korean channels. I also found Arirang's channel and they're playing SHINee's mv "Juliette". Even though SHINee creeps me out (I do still love "Juliette" though..damn them!), I'm just happy that kpop is on my tv. *points* I also heard "Haru Haru" playing during an advertisement. *dies* :D


But I'm sad because there is this one channel that plays "Love Shuffle" AND I CAN'T GET IT'S SIGNAL. T-T

big bang, stupid rl, t.o.p., yay, asian dramas, oh god no! shinee :(

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